
Sensors are delivering a constantly increasing amount of data available for multiple applications. This wealth of data opens up new possibilities, technically as well as economically. Since data per se are not visible to humans and are therefore difficult to integrate into the environment or problem solving process, data visualization is needed.

Hence, "Dataskop" is developing mobile, situational embedded data visualization methods to combine physical environmental and abstract data representation. Promising technologies for solving these problems are Augmented Reality (AR) and so-called "Low-Power Wide Area Networks" (LPWAN), which can record and transmit sensor data over long distances with extremely low energy consumption. Additionally, security measures to protect data as well as economic models are investigated pathing the way towards economic application. Through this holistic and interdisciplinary approach, the project contributes to the vision of a Sensor-Based Data Economy in Lower Austria, leading to Smart Rural Areas. The project partnership covers all necessary areas along the value chain of such a data economy.

In Dataskop the Department for Integrated Sensor Systems is researching on the integration of sensor technologies and data infrastructures. In particular, the connection of sensors via LPWANs and Digital Twins will be investigated. In this context Digital Twins are an important concept to match the requirements in LPWANs and cloud solutions such as Augmented Reality applications, yet have to be tailored to the particular data streams and disruptions of the data chain. Scalability of networks and automatic configuration of sensor nodes are further research areas of the Danube University Krems.

The scientific-technical results of the project are designed to be application-independent. This means that the methods and concepts developed are applicable in a large number of different areas. Danube University Krems will cover the application areas of cultural heritage protection and disaster management.

**The project Dataskop is partially co-funded by the county of Lower Austria (www.noe.gv.at) and the European Commission under the European Regional Development Fund (www.efre.gv.at)  according to article 4 ERDF.


Duration 01/03/2020 - 28/02/2025
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

Department for Integrated Sensor Systems

Center for Distributed Systems and Sensor Networks

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Dipl.-Ing. Albert Treytl
Project members



Project partners

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