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Unmanned aerial vehicles are commercially available in a variety of price and weight classes equipped with basic functionality such as waypoint navigation or ...
The ARES project investigates the attack resilience and security measures for sensor data in Home Automation Systems based on meta-information....
The aim of the proposed project is to adapt, modernise and restructure the existing IL/UKR curriculum in artificial implants for bio-engineering degrees, to develop ...
A measurement system for correlated in vivo high-speed nanoinspection of up to 300 mm wafers is developed, which can be used, e.g., for quality assurance in the semiconductor industry...
The c-Flex project investigates new control methods for the cooperative bundling of different prosumers and network segments up to complete regions …
Natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shadowing are high potential approaches to efficiently and economical cool buildings. Nevertheless, the full potential ...
This project investigates the optimization of e-car charging considering both, the user-experience and the availability of charging infrastructure and renewable energy...
Sensors are delivering a constantly increasing amount of data available for multiple applications. Dataskop aims to visualize these complex data directly in their real environment …
The project focuses on non-invasive spatial temperature measurements by glass-fibre optical methods along metallic pipes in high-temperature applications ...
This KLIEN Zero Emission Mobility R&D project investigates the digital integration of efficient EV charging in the energy management of companies, buildings, or energy communities....
The project investigates integrated local optimization and distributed decision-making for the energy management of buildings and between multiple buildings …
The project investigates methods for adapting the planning of industrial production steps in industrial processes to the availability of renewable energy. The specific challenge lies in the consideration of the uncertainty in forecasts and short-term variations of available renewable energy.
This project investigates the use of Digital Twins and IoT communication to create electronic horizons in Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) and their roadside infrastructure.
The availability of highly accurate and precise clock synchronization is a major pre-requisite for reliable operation and performance. Applications such as client-localization, smart grids, telecommunications, industrial control, process automation ...
Digitalization over the entire product lifecycle accelerates the development, validation, instrumentation and deployment of complex industrial products while increasing product quality ...
The aim of this project is to use machine learning, without explicit modelling, to evaluate and optimize system and operating states of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems...
To integrate sensory data often similar functionality is needed. We developed open hardware and software components to make this easier. Designed and developed within scientific project this platform is lower power but nevertheless performant ...
Technical building facilities are often operating in unnoticed suboptimal operating conditions for years causing substantial operating costs and wastage of resources. The optimization ...
The research PinpointIoT investigates novel localization algorithms for directional antennas to achieve robust localization in industrial IoT environments.
In the context of Industry 4.0, constantly evolving production systems generate the need for a highly adaptive and autonomous automation system with lean maintenance ...
Traffic lights are essential parts of the roadside infrastructure. Intelligent sensors in traffic lights encompassing complex situations are enablers for more efficient traffic flows …
PCBs provide the critical bottleneck in thermal but also in financial terms (up to 20% of the cost) in the construction of high-power LED-based headlamps. These headlights will pervade the entire ...