Technical building facilities are often operating in unnoticed suboptimal operating conditions for years causing substantial operating costs and wastage of resources. The optimization potentials remain largely unnoticed, except if a total failure of systems (e.g. room is not heated anymore) occurs. For energy services, e.g. in the form of performance contracting, the quantification of efficiency enhancement as well as the identification of optimization possibilities are indispensable. The operation of facilities can be optimized through monitoring relevant measurement data (flow temperatures, heat quantity, operating current, etc.) resulting in a decrease of the primary energy demand.
OptiMAS investigates through a model based energy flow analysis and under consideration of the newest developments in the sensors market how existing facilities, independently from the used HVAC-systems and their automatization components, are monitored, the data is analysed and how parameters can be derived for an optimization. The analysis of the energy flow distribution in hydraulic networks of facilities and complexes is an indicator for multiple facility technological faults. The “open-loop”-approach has the advantage that no requirements towards the HVAC facility have to be applied and changes of the hydraulic system and subsequent legal aspects (e.g. warranty claims, liabilities for modifications) do not occur.
The cost-effective and detailed spatial and temporal resolved energy flow measurement in hydraulic networks constitutes a substantial innovation of OptiMAS. This is reached by the use of a minimal quantity of non-invasive sensors, a model based approach for deriving the complete energy flow and semi-automated analysis procedures for localizing optimization potentials.
In sensor technology fundamental research with regard to characterization of low-cost, clip-on sensors in temperature and ultrasonic flow measurement is done. The model based energy flow determination distinguishes itself by using only a minimal number of measurement points, nevertheless it enables a detailed and comprehensive quantification. Additionally, the thermal active masses of buildings can be detected and analyzed, which are taken into account in future application of facilities as storage of volatile PV or wind energy. With the OptiMAS approach the optimization potential from single facilities to whole areas and city districts can be captured, localized and through adaption of system parameters the highest possible energy and resource efficiency is assured. <p>OptiMAS can be used for modular accessing the energy efficiency and optimizing of the total energy consumption up to decreasing the life cycle costs.


This project is co-funded by FFG within the programme "Stadt der Zukunft".




Duration 01/10/2016 - 31/12/2019
Funding FFG
Program Stadt der Zukunft

Department for Integrated Sensor Systems

Center for Distributed Systems and Sensor Networks

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Dipl.-Ing. Albert Treytl
Project members
Dr. Thomas Glatzl, MSc


Gusenbauer, M.; Kovacs, A.; Özelt, H.; Fischbacher, J.; Zhao, P.; Woodcock, T.G.;Schrefl, T. (2021). Insights into MnAl-C nano-twin defects by micromagnetic characterization. Journal of Applied Physics, 129(9): 093902

Gusenbauer, G.; Oezelt, H.; Fischbacher, J.; Kovacs, A.; Zhao, P.; Woodcock, T. G.; Schrefl, T. (2020). Extracting local switching fields in permanent magnets using machine learning. npj Computational Materials, 6: 89ff

Arapan, S.; Nieves, P.; Cuesta-López, S.; Gusenbauer, M.; Oezelt, H.; Schrefl, T.; Delczeg-Czirjak, E. K.; Herper, H. C.; Eriksson, O. (2019). Influence of antiphase boundary of the MnAl t-phase on the energy product. Physical Review Materials, Vol. 3, iss. 6: 064412

Gusenbauer, M.; Fischbacher, J.; Kovacs, A.; Oezelt, H.; Bance, S.; Zhao, P.; Woodcock, T.G.; Schrefl, T. (2019). Automated meshing of electron backscatter diffraction data and application to finite element micromagnetics. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 486: 165256


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