Roman Beigelbeck
+43 2622 23420-22
+43 2622 23420-99 (Fax)
To contact form
TFZ Wiener Neustadt, Section E - Floor 2
- University for Continuing Education Krems
- Center for Modelling and Simulation
- Viktor Kaplan Straße 2 - Bauteil E
- 2700 Wiener Neustadt
- Austria
Projects (Extract Research Database)
Running projects
Correlated Analysis System for in-vivo Inspection of Semiconductor Process Wafers
Duration: 01/04/2022–01/05/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Roman Beigelbeck
Funding: FFG
Completed projects
Duration: 01/01/2017–31/03/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Hubert Brückl
Funding: FFG
Program: Produktion der Zukunft
Duration: 01/10/2016–31/12/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: FFG
Program: Stadt der Zukunft
Publications (Extract Research Database)
Hortschitz, W.; Kainz, A.; Beigelbeck, R.; Schmid, G.; Keplinger, F. (2024). Review on Sensors for Electric Fields near Power Transmission Systems. Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 1: 1-32
Jakoby, B.; Beigelbeck, R.;Voglhuber-Brunnmaier, T. (2023). Understanding the Shielding Efficiency of a Faraday Grid Cage. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 1: 2-11
Talic, A.; Cerimovic, S.; Beigelbeck, R.; KOhl, F.; Sauter, T.; Keplinger, F. (2023). The Impact of Surface Discontinuities on MEMS Thermal Wind Sensor Accuracy. MDPI Sensors, vol. 23, iss. 10:
Beigelbeck, R.; Mang, H. (2023). Sonderdruck aus dem Almanach der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 172. Jahrgang (2022). Medienfabrik GmbH, Graz
Beigelbeck, R.; Jakoby, B. (2022). Sonderteil zu Ehren von Fritz Paschke. e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Vol. 139: 469-470
Beigelbeck, R.; Keplinger, F. (2022). Design und feldtheoretische Analyse einer Hochfeldspule. e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Vol. 139: 494-503
Beigelbeck, R.; Toriser, W.; Paschke, F. (2022). Analytische Modelluntersuchung der Wärmeentwicklung im homogenen Gewebe durch kreisrunde REPULSBestrahlung. e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Vol. 139: 514-523
Cerimovic, S.; Beigelbeck, R.; Kohl, F.; Sauter, T.; Keplinger, F. (2022). Regelungstechnische Konzepte zurMessbereichserweiterung kalorimetrischer Strömungssensoren. e+i elektrotechnik und informationstechnik, Vol. 139: 485-493
Chabicovsky, R.; Beigelbeck, R. (2022). Überblick über ausgewählte Technologieprojekte amInstitut für Allgemeine Elektrotechnik und den Nachfolgeinstituten an der TUWien imZeitraum 1972–2022. e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Vol, 139: 569-580
Oezelt, H.; Qu, L.; Kovacs, A.; Fischbacher, J.; Gusenbauer, M.; Beigelbeck, R.; Praetorius, D.; Yano, M.; Shoji, T.; Kato, A.; Chantrell, R.; Winklhofer, M.; Zimanyi, G.; Schrefl, T. (2022). Full- Spin-Wave-Scaled Stochastic Micromagnetism for Mesh-Independent Simulations of Ferromagnetic Resonance and Reversal. npj Computational Materials, Vol. 8: 35
Schalko, J.; Jachimowicz, A.; Kohl, F.; Keplinger, F.; Beigelbeck, R. (2022). Historie und Entwicklung des dünnschichttechnologischen Reinraumlabors amInstitut von Professor Paschke. e+i elektrotechnik und informationstechnik, Vol. 139: 565-568
Talic, A.; Beigelbeck, R.; Kohl, F.; Cerimovic, S.; Keplinger, F.; Sauter, T. (2022). Simulationsgestützte Designoptimierung zur Reduktion desWinkelfehlers bei miniaturisierten thermischen Windsensoren. e+1 elektrotechnik und informationstechnik, Vol. 139: 504-513
Voglhuber-Brunnmaier, T.; Beigelbeck, R.; Schmid, U.; Sauter, T.; You, T.; Ou, X.; Jakoby, B. (2022). Efficient and Accurate Modeling of the Surface Deflection of Thin Layers on Composite Substrates with Applications to Piezoelectric Parameter Measurements. MDPI, Micro 2022, Vol. 2: 369-389
Kainz, A.; Beigelbeck, R.; Schmid, S. (2021). Modeling the Electrostatic Actuation of Nanomechanical Pillar Dimers. frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, online: 4/4
Cerimovic, S.; Treytl, A.; Glatzl, T.; Beigelbeck, R.; Keplinger, F.; Sauter, T. (2019). Development and Characterization of Thermal Flow Sensors for Non-Invasive Measurements in HVAC Systems. Sensors 2019, Vol. 19(6): doi: 10.3390/s1906139
Glatzl, T.; Beigelbeck, R.; Cerimovic, S.; Steiner, H.; Wenig, F.; Sauter, T.; Treytl, A.; Keplinger, F. (2019). A Thermal Flow Sensor based on Printed Circuit Technology in Constant Temperature Mode for Various Fluids. Sensors, Vol. 19, no. 5: 1065
Talic, A.; Cerimovic, S.; Beigelbeck, R.; Kohl, F.; Sauter, T.; Keplinger, F. (2019). FEM-Analysis of 2D Micromachined Flow Transduers based on aGe-Thermistor Arrays and a Double Bridge Readout. Sensors 2019, Vol. 19, iss. 16: 3561
Jakoby, B.; Beigelbeck, R. (2018). An Alternative Approach for Deriving the Edge Condition at Conducting Wedges. Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, xx: 4pp
Glatzl, T.; Beigelbeck, R.; Cerimovic, S.; Steiner, H.; Treytl, A. (2018). Finite Element Method Simulation and Characterization of a Thermal Flow Sensor Based on Printed Circuit Board Technology for Various Fluids. mdpi proceedings, Vol. 2: 833
Cerimovic, S.; Treytl, A.; Glatzl, G.; Beigelbeck, R.; Keplinger, F.; Sauter, T. (2018). Thermal Flow Sensor for Non-Invasive Measurements in HVAC Systems. Eurosensors, Proceedings 2018, 2(13): 827, Eurosensors 2018, Graz
Lectures (Extract Research Database)
Advanced Parametric Thermal Model for High Power LED Modules
Konferenz Sensor+Test 2017 in Nürnberg, Deutschland, 31/05/2017
Bulk Viscosity Sensing
Konferenz Sensor+Test 2017 in Nürnberg, Deutschland, 30/05/2017
Modeling of Piezoelectric Tube Resonators for Liquid Sensing Applications
IEEE Sensors 2013, 05/11/2013
Computer models of oceans, seas and circulation of water masses
Gastvorlesung TU Sofia, 16/10/2013