The researchers at DISS develop novel sensors and actuators as well as intelligent sensor systems. A key factor for the massive installation and use of sensors is miniaturization. In order to achieve the necessary miniaturization key enabling technologies, i.e., nanotechnology, photonics, advanced materials, and micro/nano-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), are implemented.

„“The global market of sensors is poised to grow with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.3 percent until 2022 when the market would reach $241 billion.” “
Alied Market Research
The researchers at DISS develop concepts and designs for novel sensors and sensor systems, up to a readiness level of demonstrators and prototypes. DISS has extensive possibilities for the characterization of sensors and actuators and for their validation by multi-physics modelling and analytical description. This may include the analysis of customer-specific requirements and the identification of suitable sensor principles.
Head: Hubert Brückl
Center for Micro and Nano Sensors