Karl Matz

Assoz. Prof. Dr. Karl Matz

Center for Vascular Prevention

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

Austrian Prehospital Stroke Scale Plus

Duration: 01/01/2025–30/06/2027
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Karl Matz
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Quality Project: Implementation of an adapted prehospital stroke score (APPS Plus) as a contribution to more efficient acute stroke management in Lower Austria.

Duration: 01/07/2024–28/09/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Karl Matz
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Funktioneller Effekt von Botulinumtoxin-A auf das Gangbild von Patienten mit spastischer Beinparese – eine unizentrische retrospektive Datenanalyse.

Duration: 01/05/2021–30/06/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Michaela M. Pinter

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Completed projects

Botulinumtoxin injection delays during COVID-19

Duration: 01/03/2021–31/12/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Michaela M. Pinter

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DE-PLAN Cognition Substudy

Duration: 01/01/2006–31/12/2010
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Michael Brainin
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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FLUCOG: Preventing Post-Stroke Cognitive Deterioration in Patients with First Lacunar Stroke: A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Trial

Duration: 01/01/2003–31/12/2007
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Michael Brainin
Funding: Unternehmen

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Sujak, M.; Neuhauser, J.; Matz, K. (2024). Süße Cannabisintoxikation am Flughafen [Sweet cannabis intoxication at the airport]. Nervenarzt, 95: 159-161

Bernegger, A.; Mikšová, D.; Posekany, A.; Krebs, S.; Ferrari, J.; Greisenegger, S.; Gattringer, T.; Lang, W.; Kiechl, S.; Sykora, M.; Austrian Stroke Unit Registry Collaborators (2022). Time trends in stroke severity in the years 2005 to 2020: results from the Austrian Stroke Unit Registry. J Neurol., 269(8): 4396-4403

Matz, K.; Apetroe, A.; Chemelli, A.; Brunner, C.; Nasel, C. (2022). Flow dynamics in acute ischemic stroke due to embolic occlusion of a fetal posterior cerebral artery treated with endovascular thrombectomy - report of two cases. Radiology Case Reports, 17 (5): 1727-1733

Matz, M. (2021). TEE, too hard to swallow? Eur J Neurol, 28(1): 1-2

Teuschl, Y.; Bancher, C.; Brainin, M.; Dachenhausen, A.; Matz, K.; Pinter MM. (2021). COVID-19-related delays of botulinum toxin injections have a negative impact on the quality of life of patients with dystonia and spasticity: a single-center ambulatory care study. J Neural Transm, Oct 23: 1–5

Matz, K. (2021). Luftverschmutzung und zerebrovaskuläre Erkrankungen. Neurologisch, 03-2021: 91

Matz, K. (2020). TEE, too hard to swallow? European Journal of Neurology, 28/1: 1-2

Matz, K.; Tuomilehto, J.; Teuschl, Y.; Dachenhausen, A.; Brainin, M. (2020). Comparison of oral glucose tolerance test and HbA1c in detection of disorders of glucose metabolism in patients with acute stroke. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 19(1): 204

Matz, K.; Tuomilehto, J.; Teuschl, Y.; Dachenhausen, A.; Brainin, M. (2020). Comparison of oral glucose tolerance test and HbA1c in detection of disorders of glucose metabolism in patients with acute stroke. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 19: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12933-020-01182-6

Ntaios, G.; Michel, P.; Georgiopoulos, G.; et al. (2020). Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19 and Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Global COVID-19 Stroke Registry. Stroke, 2020 Sep;51(9): e254-e258

Teuschl, Y.; Matz, K.; Dachenhausen, A.; Brainin, M. (2020). Impaired glucose metabolism and cognitive performance after mild stroke.

ASPIS Study Group (2018). Multidomain intervention for the prevention of cognitive decline after stroke - a pooled patient-level data analysis. Eur J Neurol., 25: 1182-1188

Brainin, M.; Feigin, V.; Martins, S.; Matz, K.; Roy, J.; Sandercock, P.; Teuschl, Y.; Tuomilehto, J.; Wiseman, A. (2018). Cut stroke in half: Polypill for primary prevention in stroke. Int J Stroke, 25: 633-647

Matz, K. (2018). Frühe Thrombolyse von Schlaganfällen. neurologisch, 03: 87

Teuschl, Y.; Trapl, M:, Ratajczak, P.; Matz, K.; Dachenhausen, A.; Brainin, M. (2018). Systematic dysphagia screening and dietary modifications to reduce stroke-associated pneumonia rates in a stroke-unit. PLoS One, :e0192142: 10.1007/s00415-017-8720-8.

Mijajlovic, M.D.; Pavlovic, A.; Brainin, M.; Heiss, W.D.; Quinn, T.J.; Ihle-Hansen, H.B.; Hermann, D.M.; Assayag, E.B.; Richard, E.; Thiel, A.; Kliper, E.; Shin, Y.I.; Kim, Y.H.; Choi, S.; Jung, S.; Lee, Y.B.; Sinanovic, O.; Levine, D.A.; Schlesinger, I.; Mead, G.; Miloševic, V.; Leys, D.; Hagberg, G.; Ursin, M.H.; Teuschl, Y.; Prokopenko, S.; Mozheyko, E.; Bezdenezhnykh, A.; Matz, K.; et al. (2017). Post-stroke Dementia - a comprehensive review. BMC Medicine, 15(1):11: doi: 10.1186/s12916-017-0779-7

Teuschl, Y.; Matz, K.; Firlinger, B.; Dachenhausen, A.; Tuomilehto, J.; Brainin, M.; ASPIS Study Group. (2017). Preventive effects of multiple domain interventions on lifestyle and risk factor changes in stroke survivors: Evidence from a two-year randomized trial. International Journal of Stroke, 12(9): 976-984

Trapl, M.; Teuschl, Y.; Matz, K.; Dachenhausen, A.; Brainin, M. (2017). Overestimating the risk of aspiration in acute stroke. European Journal of Neurology, 24(6): doi:10.1111/ene.13298

Brainin, M.; Matz, K.; Nemec, M.; Teuschl, Y.; Dachenhausen, A.; Asenbaum-Nan, S.; Bancher, C.; Kepplinger B.; Oberndorfer, S.; Pinter, M.;, Schnider, P.; Tuomilehto, J.; ASPIS StudyGroup (2015). Prevention of poststroke cognitive decline: ASPIS - a multicenter,randomized, observer-blind, parallel group clinical trial to evaluate multiplelifestyle interventions - study design and baseline characteristics. International Journal of Stroke, 10(4): 627-35

Matz K.; Teuschl, Y.; Firlinger, B.; Dachenhausen, A.; Keindl, M.; Seyfang, L.; Tuomilehto, J.; Brainin, M. (2015). Multidomain Lifestyle Interventions for the Prevention of Cognitive Decline After Ischemic Stroke Randomized Trial. Stroke, 46(10): 2874-80

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

COVID-19 related delays of botulinum toxin injections have a negative impact on the quality of life of patients with dystonia and spasticity - results from a structured questionnaire

European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation 2021 jointly with 27th Annual Meeting of the German Society of NeuroRehabilitation (ECNR-DGNR 2021) (virtual), 08/12/2021

Evidenz für Risikoreduzierung

Prä-Konferenz-Workshop “Geistig fit ins hohe Alter”, 27/10/2021

Schlaganfall – was kann der Hausarzt/die Hausärztin tun?

Webinar der Schlaganfallakademie, 01/10/2021

Luftverschmutzung und zerebrovaskuläre Erkrankungen

„Gehirn zählt!“ Webinare über Daten und Fakten zur zerebrovaskulären Gesundheit, 17/03/2021

Klinische und neurologische Entscheidungsfindung bei Anwendung von NOAKS (neue Antikoagulanzien)

„Schau aufs Gehirn!“ Webinare über Wege zur Gehirngesundheit, 20/01/2021

Life Style oriented Interventions and Prevention of Vascular and Non-vascular Cognitive Decline

1st Krems Dementia Conference 2019, Krems, Österreich, 06/11/2019

Organizing Stroke Care

European Academy of Neurology Spring School 2019, 04/06/2019

Prognoseabschätzung beim hypoxischen Koma nach CPR

Fortbildung Landesklinikum Tulln, Austria, 20/11/2013

Therapie und Prophylaxe des ischämischen Schlaganfalls - Was gibt es Neues?

Kurie der niedergelassenen Neurologinnen und Neurologen , Tulln, Austria, 10/10/2013

Off Label Thrombolyse.

Fortbildung Landesklinikum Tulln, Austria, 30/03/2013

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