Gabor Kovacs, BSc
+43 2622 23420-10
+43 2622 23420-99 (Fax)
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TFZ Wiener Neustadt, Section E - Floor 2
- University for Continuing Education Krems
- Department for Integrated Sensor Systems
- Viktor Kaplan Straße 2 - Bauteil E
- 2700 Wiener Neustadt
- Austria
Projects (Extract Research Database)
Completed projects
Electric Field Sensing - Elfis
Duration: 01/04/2016–30/11/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Wilfried Hortschitz
Funding: FWF
Program: FWF
Smart Traffic Light - Sensors as Enablers for an Intelligent Intersection
Duration: 01/09/2016–31/12/2018
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program: FTI Programm LNÖ
Increasing Quality and Efficieny of Street Lighting in Urban Areas
Duration: 01/05/2015–30/09/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: FFG
Program: Klima und Energiefonds
VivaBack - Biomechanical Sensor for Measuring the Human Spine
Duration: 04/10/2016–28/02/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: FFG
Program: Innovationsscheck
Publications (Extract Research Database)
Hortschitz, W.; Keplinger, F.; Kovacs, G. (2024). Materials for Encapsulating Micro-System-Based Electric-Field Sensors. In: IEEE, proceedings in 2024 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP): 1, IEEE, Dresden, Deutschland
Kahr, M.; Kovacs, G.; Loinig, M.; Brückl, H. (2022). Condition Monitoring of Ball Bearings Based on Machine Learning with Synthetically Generated Data. MDPI Sensors, Vol. 22: 2490
Kahr, M.; Kovacs, G.; Brückl, H. (2022). Fault Size Estimation of Ball Bearings: A Machine Learning Approach for Noisy Data. In: IEEE, Proceedings in 2022 IEEE Sensors: 1-4, IEEE, Dallas
Bigler, T.; Kovács, G.; Treytl, A.; Windl, R. (2020). NFC for Powering Sensors in Concrete. In: IEEE, Proceedings for the IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA): 10.1109/ETFA46521.2020.9211889, IEEE, Wien
Wenig, F.; Seidl, C.; Derler, B.; Rixrath, D.; Heschl, C.; Treytl, A.; Cerimovic, S.; Glatzl, T.; Kovacs, G.; Sauter, T.; Krammer, L.; Diwold, K.; Lechner, D. (2020). Optimierung der Gebäudeenergieeffizienz durch modellbasierte Energiestromanalyse mit non-invasiver Sensorik. Endbericht Projekt Optimas
Kahr, M.; Stifter, M.; Steiner, H.; Hortschitz, W.; Kovacs, G.; Kainz, A.; Schalko, J.; Keplinger, F. (2019). Dual Resonator MEMS Magnetic Field Gradiometer. Sensors (MDPI), 19(3): 493
Hortschitz, W.; Kainz, A.; Kovacs, G.; Steiner, H.; Stifter, M.; Sauter, T.; Schalko, J.; Jachimowicz, A.; Keplinger, F. (2018). Robust, ultra sensitive MOEMS inertial sensor read out with infrared light. 2018 IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Vol. 1: 952-955
Hortschitz, W.; Kainz, A.; Steiner, H.; Kovacs, G.; Stifter, M.; Kahr, M.; Schalko, J.; Keplinger, F. (2018). Characterization of a Micro-Opto-Mechanical Transducer for the Electric Field Strength. Proceedings Eurosensors 2018, Vol. 2, iss. 13: 855
Kahr, M.; Stifter, M.; Steiner, H.; Hortschitz, W.; Kovacs, G.; Kainz, A.; Schalko, J.; Keplinger, F. (2018). MOEMS Based Single Chip Lorentz Force Magnetic Gradiometer. Proceedings Eurosensors 2018, Vol. 2, iss. 13: 724
Kahr, M.; Stifter, M.; Steiner, H.; Hortschitz, W.; Kovacs, G.; Kainz, A.; Schalko, J.; Keplinger, F. (2018). Responsitivity Measurement of a Lorentz Force Transducer for Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields. Proceedings Eurosensors 2018, Vol. 2, iss. 13: 843
Kahr, M.; Stifter, M.; Steiner, H.; Hortschitz, W.; Kovacs, G.; Kainz, A.; Schalko, J.; Keplinger, F. (2018). Characterisation of a Quadrupol Magnetic Field Configuration with a Lorentz Force based MOEMS Gradiometer . IEEE, Conference Proceedings IEEE Sensors2018
Steiner, H.; Kainz, A.; Stifter, M.; Kahr, M.; Kovacs, G.; Keplinger, F.; Hortschitz, W. (2018). Cross-Sensitivity of an Optomechanical MEMS Transducer. Proceedings Eurosensors 2018, Vol. 2, iss. 13: 719
Shoshi, A.; Schneeweiss, P.; Haslinger, M.; Glatzl, T.; Kovacs, G.; Schinerl, J.; Muehlberger, M.; Brueckl, H. (2017). Biomolecular Detection Based on the Rotational Dynamics of Megneto-Plasmonic Nanoparticles. Jean-Paul Viricelle, Christophe Pijolat and Mathilde Rieu, Proceedings 2017, 1(4): doi:10.3390/proceedings1040541, MDPI AG, Basel
Lectures (Extract Research Database)
Responsitivity Measurement of a Lorentz Force Transducer for Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
Eurosensors 2018, Graz, Österreich, 10/09/2018
MOEMS Based Single Chip Lorentz Force Magnetic Gradiometer
Eurosensors 2018, Graz, Österreich, 10/09/2018