Michaela Wawra

Publications (Extract Research Database)

Wawra M.; Pfeiffer A. (2025). MMORPGs ALS „TOR ZU EINEM GLÜCKLICHEREM ORT“: BEWÄLTIGUNG DER COVID-19-KRISE DURCH GEMEINSAMES ONLINE-SPIELEN. In: Compagna D., Gaming in Zeiten der Krise: Zur Nutzung, Bedeutung und Funktion digitaler Spiele während der Corona-Pandemie: https://doi.org/10., Beltz Juventa, 69 469 Weinheim

Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Wawra, M., Dingli, A. (2024). Digital Game-Based Learning und Assessment trifft auf KI. Weiterbildung, 6 2024: 11-15, Ziel-Verlag

Wawra, M.; Pfeiffer, A. (2024). FROM FLAME TO FAME. WOMEN PLAYER CARDS IN EA’S FC24 AND THEIR JOURNEY TO ACCEPTANCE. Money | Games | Economies, 1: 10.48341/v3e7-1d81, University of Krems Press

Wawra, M. (2023). Gaming as the gateway to a happier place in the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Alexander Pfeiffer, Nanditha Krishna, Natalie Denk, Thomas Wernbacher, Media, Arts and Design (MAD) Anthology II - MAD Pandemic; Stories of Change and Continuity during the COVID-19 crisis: https://doi.org/10.48341/hx6g-pw64, University of Krems Press, Krems

Wawra, M.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). The freedom of choice: A preliminary analysis of lootboxes in EA FIFA Ultimate Team and the Introduction of a player type model. In: Nikolaus Koenig, Natalie Denk, Alexander Pfeiffer, Thomas Wernbacher, Simon Wimmer, FREEDOM | OPPRESSION | GAMES & PLAY: https://doi.org/10.48341/TTMB-RZ82, University of Krems Press, Krems

Wawra, M. (2017). Wide-area transfer of green energy. Universität Wien, Wien

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

The influence of the corona pandemic on the players of an international gaming community in World of Warcraft Classic.

MAD Media Art and Design, 16/12/2022

The freedom of choice: looking at the game mechanics of lootboxes through the eyes of FIFA 22 (Ultimate Team) - Part 2.

Future and Reality of Gaming 2022 (FROG), 27/11/2022

The freedom of choice: looking at the game mechanics of lootboxes through the eyes of FIFA 22 (Ultimate Team) - Part 1.

Future and Reality of Gaming 2022 (FROG), 27/11/2022

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