Michaela Wawra

Publikationen (Auszug Forschungs­datenbank)

Wawra M.; Pfeiffer A. (2025). MMORPGs ALS „TOR ZU EINEM GLÜCKLICHEREM ORT“: BEWÄLTIGUNG DER COVID-19-KRISE DURCH GEMEINSAMES ONLINE-SPIELEN. In: Compagna D., Gaming in Zeiten der Krise: Zur Nutzung, Bedeutung und Funktion digitaler Spiele während der Corona-Pandemie: https://doi.org/10., Beltz Juventa, 69 469 Weinheim

Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Wawra, M., Dingli, A. (2024). Digital Game-Based Learning und Assessment trifft auf KI. Weiterbildung, 6 2024: 11-15, Ziel-Verlag

Wawra, M.; Pfeiffer, A. (2024). FROM FLAME TO FAME. WOMEN PLAYER CARDS IN EA’S FC24 AND THEIR JOURNEY TO ACCEPTANCE. Money | Games | Economies, 1: 10.48341/v3e7-1d81, University of Krems Press

Wawra, M. (2023). Gaming as the gateway to a happier place in the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Alexander Pfeiffer, Nanditha Krishna, Natalie Denk, Thomas Wernbacher, Media, Arts and Design (MAD) Anthology II - MAD Pandemic; Stories of Change and Continuity during the COVID-19 crisis: https://doi.org/10.48341/hx6g-pw64, University of Krems Press, Krems

Wawra, M.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). The freedom of choice: A preliminary analysis of lootboxes in EA FIFA Ultimate Team and the Introduction of a player type model. In: Nikolaus Koenig, Natalie Denk, Alexander Pfeiffer, Thomas Wernbacher, Simon Wimmer, FREEDOM | OPPRESSION | GAMES & PLAY: https://doi.org/10.48341/TTMB-RZ82, University of Krems Press, Krems

Wawra, M. (2017). Wide-area transfer of green energy. Universität Wien, Wien

Vorträge (Auszug Forschungs­datenbank)

The influence of the corona pandemic on the players of an international gaming community in World of Warcraft Classic.

MAD Media Art and Design, 16.12.2022

The freedom of choice: looking at the game mechanics of lootboxes through the eyes of FIFA 22 (Ultimate Team) - Part 2.

Future and Reality of Gaming 2022 (FROG), 27.11.2022

The freedom of choice: looking at the game mechanics of lootboxes through the eyes of FIFA 22 (Ultimate Team) - Part 1.

Future and Reality of Gaming 2022 (FROG), 27.11.2022

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