Valerie Albrecht

Valerie Albrecht, BA MA

Research Associate - Center for E-Governance

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

Future Skills 3

Duration: 01/12/2023–31/12/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Peter Parycek
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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Collaborative Competences for the Public Sector

Duration: 01/10/2022–30/09/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Valerie Albrecht
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Completed projects

Inclusive Governance Models and ICT Tools for Integrated Public Service Co-Creation and Provision

Duration: 01/01/2021–31/03/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Noella Edelmann
Funding: EU

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Begleitforschung Tech4Germany und Work4Germany

Duration: 01/03/2021–31/12/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Peter Parycek

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Digitales Amt

Duration: 01/10/2019–31/12/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Peter Parycek
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Albrecht, V. (2024). Collaborative competences for agile public servants: A case study on public sector innovation fellowships. Information Polity, Vol. 29, no. 2: 217-234

Pfeffer, T.; Albrecht, V.; Parycek, P. (2024). Zukunft der Universitäten. Strategisches ExpertInnenpapier im Rahmen des Digitalen Aktionsplans Austria. University of Krems Press, Krems

Edelmann, N.; Albrecht, V.; Parycek, P. (2024). Strategic public participation in the digital age: the case of the Austrian ‘Green Book’. In: Skoric, M.; Pang, N., Research Handbook on Social Media and Society: 194-210, Edgar Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham

Edelmann, N; Albrecht, V. (2023). The Policy Cycle: A Framework for knowledge management of practitioners' expertise and role in participatory processes. Frontiers in Political Science, Volume 5: doi: 10.3389/fpos.2023.1223013

Edelmann, N.; Albrecht, V. (2023). Designing public participation in the digital age: Lessons learned from using the policy cycle in an Austrian case study. In: David Duenas Cid,Nadzeya Sabatini,Loni Hagen,Hsin-chung Liao, DGO '23: Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: 300-308, ACM, New York, NY, USA

Albrecht, V.; Hell, C.; Pfeffer, T.; Parycek, P. (2022). Resilience of European Universities Against the Backdrop of Digital Transformation. Friedrich Faulhammer, Sebastian Schäffer, Zeitschrift des Institutes für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa. Shrinking Spaces - Growing Responsibilities, 3-4/2022: 45-53, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage, Wien

Mergel, I.; Haug, N.; Albrecht, V.; Brahimi, A.; Edelmann, N.; Hajinejad, N.; Hölscher, I.; Plomin, J. (2022). Erfolgreiche Innovationsfellowships in der Verwaltung umsetzen. Fraunhofer FOKUS: Kompetenzzentrum Öffentliche IT, Berlin

Lampoltshammer, T.J.; Albrecht, V.; Raith, C. (2021). Teaching Digital Sustainability in Higher Education from a Transdisciplinary Perspective. Sustainability, 13(21): 12039

Rodriguez Müller, A.P.; Casiano Flores, C.; Albrecht, V.; Steen, T.; Crompvoets, J. (2021). A Scoping Review of Empirical Evidence on (Digital) Public Services Co-Creation. Administrative Sciences, 11(4):

Albrecht, V.; Novak, A.-S. (2021). Analysing the Implementation of Electronic Communication Strategies Through Legislation. In: Edelmann, N. et al., International Conference on Electronic Participation, ePart 2021: Electronic Participation:, Springer, Cham

Casiano Flores, C.; Rodriguez Müller, A.P.; Albrecht, V.; Crompvoets, J.; Steen, T.; Tambouris, E. (2021). Towards the Inclusion of Co-creation in the European Interoperability Framework. In: ICEGOV 2021: 14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance: 538–540, ACM Press, New York

Edelmann, N.; Schoßböck, J.; Albrecht, V.; (2021). Remote Work in Public Sector Organisations: Employees’ Experiences in a Pandemic Context. In: ACM, DG.O'21: The 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: 408-415, ACM, New York

Edelmann,N.; Albrecht, V. (2021). Praxisleitfaden: Partizipation im digitalen Zeitalter – das Grünbuch. GovLabAustria

Edelmann, N.; Albrecht, V.; Eibl, G.; Rosenbichler, U.; Grünwald, A.; Kallinger, M. (2020). Grünbuch: Partizipation im digitalen Zeitalter. BM für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport, Wien

Edelmann, N,; Steiner, K., Möstl, M.; Albrecht, V. (2020). Land Niederösterreich WST3 als digitale Vorzeigeabteilung: Status Quo und Ausblick. Donau-Universität Krems

Edelmann, N.; Schoßböck, J.; Albrecht, V. (2020). Telearbeit an der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems: Erfahrungen, Grenzen und Rahmenbedingungen aus der Sicht der Führungskräfte. Department für E-Governance und Verwaltung, Krems

Edelmann, N.; Schoßböck, J.; Albrecht, V. (2020). Telearbeit für eine agile & digitale Verwaltung. GovLabAustria

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Panel "KI in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Potenziale"

Fabasoft egov day 2024, 08/10/2024

Designing public participation in the digital age. Lessons learned from using the policy cycle in an Austrian case study.

24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2023), 13/07/2023

Digitale Verwaltung, digitaler Staat mit Bürgernähe

#nextlevel Expert:innentalk, die Presse, 14/03/2023

Co-Lösungslabor: Kompetenzen für eine zeitgemäße, bürger*innenorientierte Verwaltung

innovate 2022, 24/11/2022

Future Work - Arbeitswelt von morgen schon heute

Podiumsdiskussion, 06/10/2022

Collaborative competences for innovative public servants A scoping review on competences needed for collaborative innovation in the public sector

EGPA 2022 - PhD Symposium for Doctoral Students and Junior Researchers, 06/09/2022

Kompetenzen für die Zukunft - Wie besteht die öffentliche Verwaltung in einer digitalen und kollaborativen Arbeitswelt?

GovCamp 2022, 02/09/2022

Is it valuable to distinguish different stages and forms of participation? The policy cycle and the impact of COVID-19 and digitalisation.

Citizen Participation in Times of Crisis EGPA Virtual Workshop, 18/03/2021

Home-Office & Telearbeit: Transformation in der Verwaltung? (Noella Edelmann, Judith Schossböck, Valerie Albrecht)

Govcamp Vienna 2020 (Der Mensch hinter dem Computer), 27/11/2020

I-Lab Chat 2020 „Erkenntnisse teilen – Ideen entwickeln“

GovLabAustria, 11/09/2020

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