Publications (Extract Research Database)

Zipper-Weber, V.; Mandik, A. (2024). Towards a more balanced treatment of culture in international business using an ethnographic design: a multinational family business case study. Qualitative Research Journal, 24(2): 101-118, Emerald Publishing

Kessler, A.; Zipper-Weber, V. (2023). Born-again global internationalization in family businesses as a process: a dynamic capabilities perspective in the context of socioemotional wealth. Journal of Family Business Management, 13(4): 1366-1391

Zipper-Weber, V. (2023). Unter Beschuss mitten am Spielplatz in Kharkiw. Psychotherapie Forum, published online:, Springer Nature

Zipper, V.; Vonblon, P. (2022). Adversity advantages of Emerging Markets Multinationals Corporations. In: School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Emerging Markets Conference Board 2022: Marketing in Emerging Markets is the New Normal, conference proceedings:, EMCB, Slovenia

Kessler, A.; Zipper, V.; Sitz, V. (2019). Chancenorientierte unternehmerische Nachhaltigkeit als Treiber der Internationalisierung von KMU. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, Vol. 67, Issue 3: 171-196

Dimitrova, M; Zipper, V.; Fekete, J. (2019). Global Talent Management: relevance and practices in the internationally active SMEs. In: EIASM, EIASM - 8TH EIASM WORKSHOP ON TALENT MANAGEMENT:, EIASM - 8TH EIASM WORKSHOP ON TALENT MANAGEMENT, Toulouse, France

Zipper, V. (2019). Contribution and importance of flexible assessment to sustainable, self-regulatory learning. In: EuroSoTL conference proceedings:, EuroSoTL - he European Conference of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2019, Bilbao, Spain

Zipper, V. (2018). 125 years of experience face the challenge of globalization. Teaching Case Study in International Business,

Zipper, V. (2017). Ukraine in war, business as usual regardless? The impact of Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the daily routine of international business on site. In: BASEES - British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies, BASEES conference proceedings:, BASEES conference proceedings, UK

Zipper, V. (2016). Influence of generational change as a kind of behavioural patterns on the internationalisation process of small and medium sized family firms. In: EIBA EIBA - European International Business Academy, EIBA conference proceedings:, EIBA conference proceedings, Wien

Zipper, V. (2015). kult.GUIDEs: Intercultural Country-Specific Business Guides. Victory Cross Culture Consulting e.U., Taschenbuch Reihe: kult.GUIDEs: Intercultural Country-Specific Business Guides, 2015:, e-publi GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland

Zipper, V.; Klimkiewic, H.; Kotai-Szarka, K.; Wlaschitz, G.; Hartl, H.; Wilfinger, R.; Schauer, B.; Betz, F.; Zeiller, M. (2013). OPTICOM Trainingsmaterialien - Produktbeschreibung und Anleitung für TrainerInnen. WIFI International, OPTICOM Projekt:, WIFI International, EU

Zipper, V. (2005). Ausländische Direktinvestitionen in der Ukraine: Zielerreichung, Erfolgsfaktoren, Problemfelder. Dissertation, WU Wien. Institut für BWL des Außenhandels, Wien, Österreich

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Hilfe! Mein Lieblingseis gibt's im Urlaub nicht! Oder doch? Warum heißen Marken im Ausland anders.

Kinderuni 2017 und 2018, 12/07/2018

Open your eyes - Entrepreneurship in times of globalization, on its way to cross cultural awareness

Entrepreneurship Summit, 24/11/2015

Intercultural challenges and intercultural management in CEE

Latin America meets Central and Eastern Europe, 14/05/2012

Executive's Leadership: Ukrainian Executives cooperationg with Germans

TUEV-SUED Ukraine Academy, Executive Leadership Programm, 02/02/2012

Open your eyes - Interkulturelle Kompetenz hautnah

WU Alumni, 31/01/2012

Misserfolge der expandierenden Unternehmen im Ausland

HR Circle 2011, 11/04/2011

Assessment and qualification role in the field of cross cultural communication in Centrope region (Hungar,y Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria)

Centrope Academy, 01/02/2011

Führungskräfte Weiterbildung der russischen Regierung

Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 01/09/2010

Interkulturelle Führungskompetenz in Osteuropa und der GUS

Personal Messe Austria 2009, 11/11/2009

Podiumsdiskussion „Was Investoren wirklich wollen! - Das optimale Serviceangebot rund um Immobilien in CEE und SEE“

Real Vienna, 01/05/2009

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