Jiancheng Gu


Jiancheng Gu is a PhD student at the Department for Migration and Globalization, University for Continuing Education Krems. He contributes to the Horizon Europe project "Finding Agreement in Return". Jiancheng studies migration policies and their impact, focusing on the interplay between European and Global Southern countries. He examines why governments sign agreements about returning irregular migrants, what factors influence the enforcement of return, and how these policies shape future migration patterns. 

About the person

Before coming to Krems, Jiancheng earned an MSc in Societal Resilience from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and a BBA in Economics from Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). He had also interned in an international NGO in program monitoring and impact evaluation.

His research interests include:
•    Irregular migration and forced return 
•    Quantitative methods for causal inference
•    Migration policy evaluation

Find out more about Jiancheng in his Google scholar, ORCID and personal website.

Publications (Extract Research Database)

Gu, J. (2024). Stay behind children's differential educational performance: The impact of parental migration arrangements in China. International Journal of Educational Research Open, Volume 7: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.2024.100364

Czaika, M.; Gu, J.; Kraler, A.; Rössl, L. (2024). Migration responses to (non-)enforcement. Rotterdam, NL

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