You will find an ideal study environment on our campus: well-equipped lecture and study spaces, flexible time management, excellent teaching and research staff, good infrastructure, and a wide range of services.

Krems is the ideal location for your studies. Located between the city of Vienna and the Wachau, an area of spectacular natural beauty, it allows for a wide range of leisure activities. The quality of life is high and the infrastructure well developed. Krems is also ideal as a starting point for visiting neighboring European countries, due to its central European location and good rail connections. European metropolises such as Budapest, Prague and Bratislava are within easy reach.

This page includes information for

   > Exchange students

   > International continuing education degree students

   > International guests

Exchange students

Before you apply for an Erasmus exchange activity at our university, make sure that your institution already has a valid partnership agreement with the University for Continuing Education Krems.

To apply as an Erasmus+ exchange student, you will need:

  • A written nomination from your home university
  • A complete, signed Learning Agreement
    (either as an Online Learning Agreement or in paper format)
  • Certificates, diplomas, and testimonials (if required)
  • CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • Photo
  • A scan of your passport
  • Proof of language proficiency (if required)

Erasmus+ applications for the following winter term are possible until June 15th. Erasmus+ applications for the following summer term can be submitted until December 1st.

Please acquaint yourself with visa and insurance regulations, residential registration, etc. before your arrival. These and other topics pertaining to life and studying in Austria are described in the Guide for International Students.

Assistance and advice: individual (tele)consultation on demand upon request. Please contact

International continuing education degree students

You will find our course overview and the requirements for admission to studies on our website. Please further check the individual description of the degree programme you are interested in and become familiar with application deadlines and specific admission criteria.

Please acquaint yourself with visa and insurance regulations, residential registration, etc. before your arrival. These and other topics pertaining to life and studying in Austria are described in the Guide for International Students.

Assistance and advice: individual (tele)consultation on demand upon request. Please contact

International guests

Guests with a trilateral mobility agreement can apply for a guest card at the Service Center for International Relations (minimum stay: 1 month). Services and benefits applicable to the StudentServiceCard are also valid with the guest card. You can find more details here. Additionally, holders of a guest card can travel for free on all lines between Krems railway station and Krems Donau-Universität (University for Continuing Education Krems) in combination with a valid train ticket with the destination of Krems railway station. Please send an e-mail to if you would like to apply for a guest card or have further questions. 

No matter if you are visiting Krems as a trainee, on a stipend or as part of an incoming delegation, please acquaint yourself with visa and insurance regulations, residential registration, etc. before your arrival. These and other topics pertaining to life, working, and studying in Austria are described in the Guide for International Students and the Guide for International Guests..

Assistance and advice: individual (tele)consultation on demand upon request. Please contact

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