
Disruptive developments around COVID-19 caused a global "run" on online education and training platforms in spring 2020. Home office became a new reality for most employees. The opportunities that result from this are manifold, such as time savings by eliminating the need to travel to work, increased subjective well-being thanks to more time for the family and the associated increase in productivity (Citrix, 2020). However, there are also rebound effects that arise in terms of infrastructure and knowledge (poorer equipment of the private workplace, low awareness of security aspects (e.g. dangers such as phishing mails, ransomware) and compliance (e.g. data encryption & secure data exchange). Parallel to this, a further accelerated shift of the living environment into virtuality is taking place through leisure activities such as gaming, e-sports, streaming. Following this trend, "ovos play" is to be expanded to include further playful settings in the form of an interactive online safety training course, which is to be transferred into a near-market prototype in accordance with a participatory approach in cooperation with the Centre for Applied Game Studies. In this way, "ovos play" is to be prepared for an almost 100% digitalisation of company training and further education offers in the HR sector.


Duration 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Funding Unternehmen

Department for Arts and Cultural Studies

Center for Applied Game Studies

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Thomas Wernbacher, MSc MA
Project members
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