
Cosplay is a trend that originated in Japan and is also becoming increasingly popular in Austria. The word cosplay is made up of the words "costume" and "play". Cosplayers slip into different characters known from media worlds - for example from films, TV series, comics, mangas or computer games. Costumes are often designed very elaborately and as faithfully as possible to the original, usually with a large amount of independent work on the costume. The costumes are worn at special meetings and conventions, such as the annual Vienna Comic Con. The costumes are not simply shown, but the wearers also try to play the role of the portrayed character in their behaviour. Age and gender boundaries are not present in the cosplay scene. Rather, it is characterised by openness, tolerance, diversity and inclusion. Cosplay is thus a thoroughly complex and, above all, creative hobby and promotes practical skills in sewing, handicrafts, prop building, painting or stage make-up. Through the exchange in the community and the aspect of role-playing, social skills are also promoted. In addition, the hobby also helps develop skills in problem solving and time and money management. The CosTechPlay project builds on the enthusiasm of many young people for cosplay and gives pupils space to make their media worlds visible. It brings cosplay to schools with the aim of developing an innovative, interdisciplinary teaching concept that links technical and textile work, making and upcycling and promotes skills in the areas of creativity, technology, problem solving, communication, language and expression. A gender-sensitive and gender-inclusive approach is also intended to make a contribution in the area of "body positivity" and the breaking down of gender stereotypes.


Duration 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2025
Funding FFG

Department for Arts and Cultural Studies

Center for Applied Game Studies

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Natalie Denk, MA
Project members


Denk, N.; Wimmer, S.; Hollinetz, H. (2024). CosTechPlay: Towards a Teaching Concept that brings Cosplay to Schools. Abstract Proceedings of DiGRA 2024 Conference: Playgrounds.


Fachkräfte und die Bedeutung von Zuwanderung aus regionaler Perspektive - Ergebnisse aus Oberösterreich

8. Globalisierungsforum des Departments für Migration und Globalisierung der Donau-Universität Krems in Kooperation mit dem Haus der EU, Wien , 23/04/2018

Einflussfaktoren auf die regionale Integration und Bleibeabsichten von (hoch-)qualifizierten Zu- und Rückwanderern in Oberösterreich

4. Jahrestagung der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung in Österreich, Wien , 12/09/2016

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