
Head of Center
Course Director

Research Associate

About the person

Research Areas

  • Game-based Education
  • Educational Game Design
  • Gender & Diversity in Digital Game Culture
  • Qualitative Social Research
  • Media Education

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

FROG - Future and Reality of Gaming 2024

Duration: 01/04/2024–31/10/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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UWK 360°

Duration: 01/04/2024–31/03/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gregor Pirker
Funding: Sonstige

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Duration: 01/09/2023–31/08/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: FFG

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Completed projects


Duration: 01/05/2022–30/04/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: EU

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Games for Innovation, Games for All: G.I.G.A.

Duration: 01/12/2021–30/11/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: EU

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Duration: 01/03/2021–28/02/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: EU

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Duration: 01/09/2020–30/08/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: FFG

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Duration: 01/09/2019–31/10/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: FFG

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Digital Gesund Altern

Duration: 01/03/2019–30/09/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: Sonstige
Program: FGOE

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Duration: 01/09/2019–31/08/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: FFG

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Create Digital Games for Education

Duration: 01/10/2017–30/08/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: EU
Program: ERASMUS+

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Walk Your City: Forcierung des Fußgängerverkehrs in Städten anhand innovativer, verhaltensbasierter Interventionsformen

Duration: 01/04/2018–31/03/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Wernbacher
Funding: FFG
Program: FFG - Mobilität der Zukunft

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Duration: 01/03/2019–01/08/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Natalie Denk
Funding: sonstige öffentlich-rechtliche Einrichtungen (Körperschaften, Stiftungen, Fonds)

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Denk, N.; Neundlinger, H.; Neundlinger, K.; Pfeiffer, A. (2024). DAC 01 - DIGITAL JOURNAL FOR ARTS & CULTURAL STUDIES: Variations on how to play. University of Krems Press, Krems an der Donau

Koenig, N.; Denk, N.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, Th.; Wimmer, S. (Hrsg.) (2024). Money | Games | Economies. University of Krems Press, Krems/Donau

Zwischenberger, M.; Denk, N.; Pasch, H.; Wimmer, S. (2024). (Un-)Finished Stories: Crafting Interactive Stories of Interpreted Encounters for Educational Purposes. In: Iacono, K; Heinisch, B.; Poellabauer, S., Kommunikation mit geflüchteten Menschen / Communicating with Refugees: 253 - 258, Frank & Timme, Berlin

Brinkmann, H.; Potz, B.; Wimmer, S. & Denk, N., (2024). Exploring Archival Practices: Unveiling Cultural Heritage Through a Live Escape Room Experience. DAC, Digitales Journal für Kunst- & Kulturwissenschaften, Varieties on how to play, 1:

Denk, N.; Wimmer, S.; Hollinetz, H. (2024). CosTechPlay: Towards a Teaching Concept that brings Cosplay to Schools. Abstract Proceedings of DiGRA 2024 Conference: Playgrounds.

Koenig, N.; Denk, N.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; Wimmer, S. (2023). Freedom | Oppression | Games & Play. University of Krems Press, Krems

Pfeiffer, A.; Krishna, N.; Denk, N.; Wernbacher, T. (2023). MEDIA, ARTS AND DESIGN (MAD) ANTHOLOGY II: MAD Pandemic: Stories of Change and Continuity during the COVID-19 Crisis. University of Krems Press, Krems

Wernbacher, T.; Wimmer, S.; Denk, N.; Kraus, C.; Mittmann, G.; Pfeiffer, A. (2023). Hygiene in the Course of Time: A Serious Adventure Game on the Topic of (Hospital) Hygiene. INTED2023 Proceedings, 17: 1315-1322, IATED

Denk, N. (2023). Kreative Spielräume. Potenziale von Computerspielen zur Förderung der Kreativität von Jugendlichen. Battistel, G; Kriwak, C., zum Beispiel. Beiträge zur Jugendarbeit in Südtirol und Tirol, 2/2023: 8-9, Land Tirol in Kooperation mit dem Amt für Jugendarbeit in Südtirol, Innsbruck

Häfner, P.; Wernbacher, T.; Pfeiffer, A.; Denk, N.; Economides, A.; Perifanou, M.; Attard, A.; DeRaffaele, C.; Sigurðardóttir, H. (2023). Limits and Benefits of Using Telepresence Robots for Educational Purposes. Auer, M.E., Pachatz, W., Rüütmann, T., Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition. ICL 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems: 23–33, Springer, Cham., Schweiz

Koenig, N.; Denk, N.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T. (Hrsg.) (2022). The Magic of Games. Edition Donau-Universität Krems, Krems

König, N.; Denk, N.; Wimmer, S., Prandstätter, H. (2022). Creating an Escape Room for Cultural Mediation: Insights from "The Archivist's Dream". In: Conceição Costa, Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2022 Vol. 16 No. 1: S.297-306, Academic Conferences International Limited, Reading, UK

Pfeiffer, A.; Bezzina, S.; Denk, N.; Vella, V. (2022). AN INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC OF NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS FOR THE EDUCATIONAL SECTOR. In: iated digital library, ICERI2022 Proceedings: 776-781, iated digital library, online

Pfeiffer, A.; Denk, N.; Peter, L., Fleischhacker, M. (2022). REFLECTING ON ONE YEAR OF ESPORTS SCHOOL LEAGUE IN VIENNA DURING THE SECOND YEAR OF THE CORONA CRISIS. In: iated digital library, INTED2022 Proceedings: 6824-6830, iated digital library, online

Pfeiffer, A.; Denk, N.; Serada, A.; Dingli, A. (2022). DIGITAL IDENTITIES, NFTS AND AI IN THE EDUCATION SECTOR: SHOWCASING A DEMONSTRATOR. In: iated digital library, INTED2022 Proceedings: 6867-6876, iated digital library, online

Pfeiffer, A.; Denk, N.; Wernbacher, T.; Bezzina, S.; Vella, V.; Dingli, A. (2022). Two novel use-cases for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). In: Academic Conferences International Limited, European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (proceedings): 214-222, Academic Conferences International Limited, Reading, UK

Pfeiffer, A.; Wernbacher, T.; König, N.; Denk, N.; Vella, V.;Dingli, A. (2022). Blockchains, Kryptowährungen, Utility-Token, NFTs und das Metaverse: Eine Einführung für den Bereich der Cyberkriminologie. In: Springer VS Wiesbaden, Handbuch Cyberkriminologie: 1-36, Springer VS Wiesbaden, Deutschland

Denk, N.; Göbl, B. (2022). Für einen fixen Platz in unserer Bildungslandschaft. Weiterbildung: Zeitschrift für Grundlagen, Praxis und Trends., 04/2022: 14-17, ZIEL-Verlag

Häfner, P.; Wernbacher, T.; Pfeiffer, A.; Denk, N.; Economides, A.; Perifanou, M.; Attard, A.; DeRaffaele, C. and Sigurðardóttir, H. (2022). Limits and benefits of using telepresence robots for educational purposes. Proceedings of the ICL2022 "Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition”, 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and 51st International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, 51: -, Springer

Wernbacher, T.; Zauchner, S.; Denk, N.; Pfeiffer, A.; Wimmer, S.; Hollinetz, M.; Hofstätter, J. and Ehardt-Schmiederer, M. (2022). E-MINT: A Gamified App for Empowering Parents in Their Role as STEM Gatekeepers. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Social Media, 9: 202-210, Academic Conferences International

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

“The Archivist´s Dream” – A Live Escape Room at the Archives of Contemporary Arts

Summer School "Beyond the Lock: Innovative Approaches to Escape Rooms in Education, Culture, and Organisational Development", 05/07/2024

CosTechPlay: Towards a Teaching Concept that brings Cosplay to Schools

DiGRA Conference 2024, 03/07/2024

Keynote: Informelle Lernräume der Gaming-Kultur als Chance für unsere Bildungslandschaft

EdTech Austria Summit 2024, 07/05/2024

Informelle Lernräume und ihre Bedeutung für die Kompetenz- und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung junger Menschen

BLOCKALOT Vortragsreihe des LMZ Baden-Würtemberg, 15/04/2024

Games 2023 Panel: All Engines Running?

SUBOTRON arcademy, 14/12/2023

Gaming-Kultur als Chance für den Unterricht

Vortragsreihe "Demokratie spielend lernen", 13/11/2023

Cultural Mediation through Play & Games

Frog. Future and Reality of Gaming, 25/11/2022

Game-based Education: Wie digitale Spiele unsere Bildungslandschaft bereichern können

Alumni-Tag 2022, 14/10/2022

Introduction to Game-based Education

Game-based Education Workshop, 13/05/2022

Game-based Learning als Chance für den Deutschunterricht

PH-Online Kärnten, Seminar: Digitaler Deutschunterricht. Theoretische Konzepte und praktische Ansätze in der Sekundarstufe II, 05/05/2022

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