
Through this strategic partnership, the consortium proposes a Game Creator Tool (GCT), that is developed for easy use in classrooms following an iterative game design approach involving teachers and students which will provide us with valuable feedback. The GCT will allow teachers to design digital games for the school subjects they teach. The GCT will consist of a highly sophisticated game editor that includes a visual programming interface requiring no prior programming knowledge by the user. Also, a reviewing and monitoring feature will allow teachers to guide students through every step of the content/pedagogical development process.


Duration 01/10/2017 - 30/08/2020
Funding EU
Program ERASMUS+

Department for Arts and Cultural Studies

Center for Applied Game Studies

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Natalie Denk, MA
Project members
Project website


Insights into the Erasmus+ project "Create Digital Games for Education"

Spotlights on Educational Game Design in Europe, 24/06/2020

Lernen durch Entscheidungen – Konzeption und Entwicklung des CDG4E Game Creators

EDUdays 2019, Krems, Österreich, 03/04/2019

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