Call for Papers: NOeG Annual Conference 2025

The Scientific and Local Organizing Committee warmly invites paper submissions for the next Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG), to be held at the University for Continuing Education Krems on 23-24 September 2025. The theme of the upcoming conference is: “Migration as an Economic Reality”.

Migration is a longstanding and complex phenomenon, fundamentally shaping national economic dynamics and influencing global economic and political trends. Whether driven by labour market demands, economic inequalities, political instability, environmental factors, or rather non-economic drivers, migration remains a critical force that impacts economies at the global, national, regional, or local level including international migration flows as well as internal mobility within regions. Understanding migration as a socio-economic process is essential for developing policies that promote sustainable economic growth and inclusive societies while addressing the challenges migration presents.

Migration reshapes labour markets by influencing wage structures, employment patterns, and productivity. It also alters demographic and other socioeconomic and political trends, affecting everything from population growth to the age composition and human capital of societies. In an increasingly interconnected world, migration plays a significant role in the global redistribution of wealth through remittances, investments, and the transfer of knowledge and skills. Moreover, migration is interwoven with pressing global challenges such as inequality, climate change, and technological transformation, making it a crucial cross-cutting topic for economic research and policy debates. The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) will examine migration from an economic perspective, investigating its causes, processes, impacts, and potential pathways for policy making.

The organizers welcome papers on this topic, as well as from all areas of economics and related disciplines. We further invite the submission of organized sessions (four papers related to a common topic).


Please submit your paper or panel proposals until March 31, 2025 via our submission portal. Notification regarding acceptance will be sent out by May 15, 2025.  


We are delighted to welcome Isabel Ruiz (University of Oxford) and Çaglar Özden (The World Bank/ Development Research Group) as the keynote speaker at this year's conference.

Publication of Papers

After peer-review, accepted papers may be published in a special conference issue of Empirica: Journal of European Economics. In case you would like your paper to be considered for the special issue, please indicate this on the submission portal.

Young Economists Award

The Austrian Economic Association awards prizes for outstanding papers – to be presented at the conference – by NOeG members up to the age of 35. For joint papers, this age limit holds for all co-authors. The Young Economists Award is endowed with € 750. Please indicate your eligibility for the award on the submission portal.


Please register via our online registration portal, which will be accessible via this conference website, by September 15, 2025 at the latest. Registration will be possible from June 1, 2025. The conference fee amounts to € 150 and is waived for NOeG members and for students.


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