
24/05/2024, 17:00 - 23:00

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University for Continuing Education Krems - Campus Krems

Tract A - Ground floor (Audimax)
Stand: KR1-13

Free entry
Last entrance: 22:00

Take part. Be amazed. Discover.

In 2024, the Lange Nacht der Forschung will once again take place across Austria. At more than 2,800 stations, visitors can take part in guided tours, workshops, lectures and live presentations and discover interesting and up-to-date facts about research and science.

We are delighted that the Center for Cultural Property Protection will be represented at Campus Krems this year with an exciting hands-on station for young and old.

Cultural Property Protection - What traces of the Romans can be found along the Danube?

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Cultural Property Protection and discover exciting facts about protecting our cultural heritage!

What is the connection between Cultural Property Protection and the ancient Romans? Why is a faithfully reconstructed, roadworthy Roman patrol ship anchored in Austria in 2024?

Find out the answers to these and other fascinating questions.

Connecting Cruise 2022
Living Danube Limes / Peter Vogel

Connecting Cruise 2022
Living Danube Limes / Margaréta Musilová

Connecting Cruise 2022
Living Danube Limes / Nemanja Mrdic

Become part of this exciting journey yourself and take on the role of a cultural property protector. Pose in front of our photo wall as a rower with the original shields of the 'Danuvina Alacris' or be inspired by Roman times and write a message in a bottle on papyrus in the ancient style. The letters will be collected and sent on the Roman ship as it travels down the Danube.


What to expect at our station:

  • Discussions with experts on the Protection of Cultural Property
  • Background information on the Roman Danube ship 'Danuvina Alacris
  • A virtual travelogue of the Danuvina Alacris' 2,100 km rowing journey along the Danube from Germany to Romania in 2022
  • Information on the ReConnecting Cruise, where you can take the oars yourself


Visit us at the Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024 - we look forward to seeing you!

Where to find us:

University for Continuing Education Krems - Campus Krems
Dr. Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems

Trakc A - Grounf floor (Audimax)
Stand: KR1-13



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