Reboot BUILD UP Skills aims to re-establish the national processes carried out in the first pillar of the national implementation of Build Up Skills in Austria (2011-2013) in order to bring together all relevant Austrian stakeholders on training and qualification activities/initiatives in the building sector.
The stakeholders will be extended to include new/further institutions, both among the educational institutions and representative of trades in the construction sector.
All relevant professions and skills at all levels in the building sector will be identified to achieve and define the role of energy efficiency and renewable energy for 2030 (relevant skills will especially include the implementation of energy efficiency and integration of renewables in the construction of new and renovated buildings).
In cooperation with the relaunched national qualification platform, a current Status Quo Analysis and a National Qualification Roadmap until 2030 will be developed, which will take into account the new realities of the construction sector.
The project will not only focus on initial and continuing education of blue-collar workers but also on continuing education of professionals working as building planners and managers such as architects, designers, engineers, etc.
Duration | 01/10/2022 - 31/03/2024 |
Funding | EU |
Program |
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Department |
Department for Building and Environment |
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) | Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gregor Radinger, MSc |
Project members |
Ipser, C.; Altmann-Mavaddat, N.; Bruner-Lienhart, S., Ebner, A.; Frick, D.; Geissler, S.; Gugitscher, K.; Lachmayr, N.; Mayerl, M.; Pacher, C.; Radinger, G.; Rieger, K.; Sibille, E.; Trnka, G. (2024). BUILD UP Skills – Austria: Analysis on the National Status Quo. Education and Training for Achieving the Energy and Climate Targets in the Austrian Building Sector. Department for Building and Environment, University for Continuing Education Krems, Krems
Rieger, K.; Kreiner, H.; Pacher, C.; Scherz, M.; Altmann-Mavaddat, N.; Bruner-Lienhart, S.; Frick, D.; Gugitscher, K.; Ipser, C.; Lachmayr, N.; Radinger, G., Sibille, E.; Trnka, G. (2024). BUILD UP Skills – Austria National Roadmap 2030. TU Graz Life Long Learning, Graz University of Technology, Graz
Aus- und Weiterbildung für den Gebäudesektor der Zukunft - ReBUSk Status Quo Analyse & Roadmap: Aus- und Weiterbildung für das Erreichen der Energie- und Klimaziele im österreichischen Gebäudesektor
Zukunftsforum Bauen und Umwelt, 24/04/2024
Schlüsselergebnisse der Status Quo Analyse des Gebäudesektors in Österreich
Abschlussveranstaltung von Reboot Build up Skills (ReBUSk), 04/03/2024
ReBUSk Reboot Build Up Skills - Presentation of the Austrian National Status Quo Analysis
Meeting of the LIFE BUILD UP Skills national projects: reviewing progress on the Status Quo Analysis (SQA) drafting, 30/03/2023
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Abschlussevent Projekt BUSLeague, 25/01/2023