In order to make the application process as simple and transparent as possible, frequently asked questions from applicants have been summarised below:

How are vacancies advertised?

How do I apply?

I have a technical problem with my application – who can I contact?

I can’t find the job posting I want to apply for on the website anymore. Can I still apply?

Can I submit additional documents later?

Can I pause my online application?

I want to upload more than 5 documents, but the system does not allow more. What can I do?

Are unsolicited applications welcome?

I applied for a professorship. When will I receive feedback on my application?

What happens to my data after the selection process is completed?

Is barrier-free working supported at the University for Continuing Education Krems?

What is the selection procedure?

How and when will I be informed about the status of the application process?

Will the university cover any costs incurred during the application process?

I have further questions. Who can I contact?


Recruitment and HR Development - University for Continuing Education Krems

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