Irma Klerings

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

Nachhaltige Gesundheitsversorgung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Evidenzbasierung

Duration: 13/04/2023–31/03/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Brigitte Piso
Funding: Sonstige

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Developing rapid review guidance for clinical research

Duration: 01/02/2022–31/12/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Ursula Griebler
Funding: andere internationale Organisationen

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Completed projects

Interdisciplinary research group "Critical Health literacy for empowerment in the era of digital transformation"

Duration: 01/04/2021–31/12/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Ursula Griebler

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Primary Treatment of Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Outpatient Settings: Surveillance Searches for Living Guidelines

Duration: 01/07/2022–30/06/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Isolde Sommer
Funding: andere internationale Organisationen

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Use of preprint articles in prevention research – a mixed-methods approach

Duration: 01/10/2020–28/02/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Isolde Sommer

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European Partnership on Competencies for High Value Cost Conscious Care 2018

Duration: 01/10/2018–31/05/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Irma Klerings
Funding: EU
Program: ERASMUS+

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Stärkung der Gesundheitskompetenz in Bezug auf Kinderimpfungen in Vorarlberg

Duration: 01/03/2019–30/06/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Isolde Sommer
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Systematischer Review Point of Care Ultrasound

Duration: 11/10/2018–31/03/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gerald Gartlehner
Funding: andere internationale Organisationen

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Social isolation and loneliness in the elderly: Steps to an evidence-informed health-promoting and preventive practice

Duration: 01/05/2020–31/12/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Ludwig Grillich
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Evaluation Plan Impact Analysis for "Healthy School"

Duration: 01/09/2019–31/03/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Christina Kien
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Umbrella review on the effectiveness of interventions for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases

Duration: 08/01/2018–31/12/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Birgit Teufer
Funding: Sonstige

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DIMDI - Erstellung von HTA-Projekten

Duration: 01/12/2013–11/12/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Glechner
Funding: Sonstige
Program: ---

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Dobrescu, A.; Constantin, A.M.; Pinte, L.; Chapman, A.; Ratajczak, P.; Klerings, I.; Emprechtinger, R.; Allegranzi, B.; Zingg, W.; Grayson, M.L.; Toldeo, J.; Gartlehner, G.; Nussbaumer-Streit, B.; (2024). Effectiveness and safety of measures to prevent infections and other complications associated with peripheral intravenous catheters: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, Online ahead of print: doi: 10.1093/cid/ciae195.

Dobrescu, A.I.; Persad, E.; Klerings, I.; Gartlehner, G. (2024). Update Alert: Nonpharmacologic and Pharmacologic Treatments of Adult Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis for a Clinical Guideline by the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med, onine ahead of print: 10.7326/L23-0441.

Affengruber, L.; Wagner, G.; Dobrescu, A.; Toromanova, A.; Chapman, A.; Persad, E.; Klerings, I.; Gartlehner, G. (2023). Values and Preferences of Patients With Depressive Disorders Regarding Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Treatments. A Rapid Review. Annals of Internal Medicine, 176(2): 217-223.

Dobrescu, A.; Chapman, A.; Affengruber, L.; Persad, E.; Toromanova, A.; Wagner, G.; Klerings, I.; Emprechtinger, R.; Gartlehner, G. (2023). Cost-Effectiveness of First- and Second-Step Treatment Strategies for Major Depressive Disorder. A Rapid Review. Annals of Internal Medicine, 176(2): 212-216

Gartlehner, G.; Dobrescu, A.; Chapman, A.; Toromanova, A.; Emprechtinger, R.; Persad, E.; Affengruber, L.; Pieh, C.; Klerings, I.; Wagner, G. (2023). Nonpharmacologic and Pharmacologic Treatments of Adult Patients With Major Depressive Disorder. A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis for a Clinical Guideline by the American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine, 176: 196-211

Glechner, A.; Wagner, G.; Mitus, J.W.; Teufer, B.; Klerings, I.; Böck, N.; Grillich, L.; Berzaczy, D.; Helbich, T.H.; Gartlehner, G.; (2023). Mammography in combination with breast ultrasonography versus mammography for breast cancer screening in women at average risk. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3: 1-78

Griebler, U.; Dobrescu, A.; Ledinger, D.; Klingenstein, P.; Sommer, I.; Emprechtinger, R.; Persad, E.; Gadinger, A.; Trivella, M.; Klerings, I.; Nussbaumer-Streit, B. (2023). Evaluation of the interim Cochrane rapid review methods guidance—A mixed-methods study on the understanding of and adherence to the guidance. Research Synthesis Methods, 1-12

Grillich, L.; Titscher, V.; Klingenstein, P.; Kostial, E.; Emprechtinger, R.; Klerings, I.; Sommer, I.; Nikitin, J.; Laireiter, A.R. (2023). The effectiveness of interventions to prevent loneliness and social isolation in the community-dwelling and old population: an overview of systematic reviews and meta-analysis. European Journal of Public Health, 33:2: 235-241

Klerings, I.; Robalino, S.; Booth, A.; Escobar-Liquitay, C.M.; Sommer, I.; Gartlehner, G.; Devane, D.; Waffenschmidt, S.; (2023). Rapid reviews methods series: Guidance on literature search. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, epub: 1-6

Marhold, F.; Prihoda, R.; Pruckner, P.; Eder, V.; Glechner, A.; Klerings, I.; Gombos, J.; Popadic, B.; Antoni, A.; Sherif, C.; Scheichel, F. (2023). The importance of additional intracranial injuries in epidural hematomas: detailed clinical analysis, long-term outcome, and literature review in surgically managed epidural hematomas. Frontiers in Surgery, 10:

Sommer, I.; Dobrescu, A.; Ledinger, D.; Moser, I.; Thaler, K.; Persad, E.; Fangmeyer, M.; Emprechtinger, R.; Klerings, I.; Gartlehner, G. (2023). Outpatient Treatment of Confirmed COVID-19: A Living, Rapid Review for the American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine, 176: 92-104

Sommer, I.; Ledinger, D.; Thaler, K.; Dobrescu, A.; Persad, E.; Fangmeyer, M.; Klerings, I.; Gartlehner, G. (2023). Outpatient Treatment of Confirmed COVID-19: A Living, Rapid Evidence Review for the American College of Physicians (Version 2). Annals of Internal Medicine, -: 1-10

Wendorff-Tobolla, L.M.; Wolgin, M.; Wagner, G.; Klerings, I.; Dvornyk, A.; Kielbassa, A.M. (2023). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Locally Delivered Adjunctive Curcumin (Curcuma longa L.) in the Treatment of Periodontitis. Biomedicines, 11, 481: 1-17

Affengruber, L.; Dobrescu, A.; Persad, E.; Klerings, I.; Wagner, G.; Sommer, I.; Gartlehner, G. (2022). Characteristics and recovery methods of studies falsely excluded during literature screening-a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 11: 236

Dobrescu, A.I.; Ebenberger, A.; Harlfinger, J.; Griebler, U.; Klerings, I.; Nussbaumer-Streit, B.; Chapman, A.; Affengruber, L.; Gartlehner, G. (2022). Effectiveness of interventions for the remediation of lead-contaminated soil to prevent or reduce lead exposure - A systematic review. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 806, Part 1:

Ewald, H.; Klerings, I.; Wagner, G.; Heise, T.L.; Stratil, J.M.; Lhachimi, S.K.; Hemkens, L.G.; Gartlehner, G.; Armijo-Olivo, S.; Nussbaumer-Streit, B. (2022). Searching two or more databases decreased the risk of missing relevant studies: a metaresearch study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 149: 154-164

Gartlehner, G.; Emprechtinger, R.; Hackl, M.; Jutz, F.L.; Gartlehner, J.E.; Nonninger, J.N.; Klerings, I.; Dobrescu, A.I. (2022). Assessing the magnitude of reporting bias in trials of homeopathy: a cross-sectional study and meta-analysis. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, Published Online First: 15 March 2022.: doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2021-111846

Schmidt, B.M.; Cooper, S.; Klerings, I.; Head, K.; Sell, K.; Houghton, C.; Jama, N.A.; Pfadenhauer, L.M.; Mianda, S.; Toomey, E. (2022). Health policymakers’ views and experiences of knowledge translation approaches to facilitate evidence-informed decision- making: a qualitative evidence synthesis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 10:

Sommer, I.; Dobrescu, A.; Ledinger, D.; Moser, I.; Thaler, K.; Persad, E.; Fangmeyer, M.; Emprechtinger, R.; Klerings, I.; Gartlehner, G. (2022). Outpatient Treatment of Confirmed COVID-19. A Living, Rapid Review for the American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine, Online ahead of print.: 1-14

Sommer, I.; Harlfinger, J.; Kien, C.; Klerings, I.; Affengruber, L.; Dobrescu, A.; Griebler, U. (2022). Stakeholders’ perceptions and experiences of factors influencing the commissioning, delivery, and uptake of general health checks: a qualitative evidence synthesis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3: Art. No.: CD014796.

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Approaches to conducting systematic searches in

EAHIL 2024, 14/06/2024

What is the role of CINAHL in rapid reviews of nursing topics?

EAHIL 2024, 13/06/2024

Double Impact: Reducing low-value care - A win-win for patients and the planet: A rapid scoping review.

What Works Climate Solutions Summit, 09/06/2024

Systematic Literature Searching

Workshop: Information and Library Center, Medical University of Lodz, 19/03/2024

Literature search in rapid reviews

Cochrane Rapid Reviews & Learning Live webinar series, 14/11/2023

Stakeholders' perceptions of factors influencing uptake, delivery, and commissioning of health checks

16. European Public Health Conference, 11/11/2023

Do's and Don'ts in the Rapid Review search: Find information faster without losing confidence in the results

Cochrane Colloquium, 04/09/2023

Using for systematic searches: Considerations and caveats

EAHIL 2023, 14/06/2023

Publication strategy and the changing landscape of predatory practices

EAHIL 2023, 13/06/2023

"Infos ohne Nebenwirkung" - Checkliste zur Beurteilung von Online-Gesundheitsinformationen

24. Jahrestagung des EbM-Netzwerks, 22/03/2023

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