
The "the Austrian Workers' Compensation Board" (AUVA) regularly develops "campaigns" within the framework of the legal mandate, which are intended to contribute to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. The AUVA defines campaigns as a mixture of different intervention strategies, consisting of broad public relations activities (such as radio, television and billboards), distribution of information materials on health and safety measures, and training and counseling directly to multipliers, such as employers and preventive services. The aim of this project is to identify and describe the most recent available evidence on the effectiveness of interventions, both behavioral and relational, for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases according to the International Labor Organization (ILO). The Centre for Evaluation of the Department of Evidence-based Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology of Danube University Krems carries out an Umbrella Review (alternative name: "overview of reviews"). As part of an umbrella review, the results of systematic reviews are identified according to a pre-defined, systematic approach, evaluated in terms of their quality, and summarized. The results reported provide AUVA with an overview of the types of measures taken for the prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases. The basic report enables the AUVA to further develop its prevention offer on the basis of the best currently available evidence.


Duration 08/01/2018 - 31/12/2019
Funding Sonstige

Department for Evidence-based Medicine and Evaluation

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Birgit Teufer, MA BA
Project members
Agnes Ebenberger, MSc


Teufer, B.; Ebenberger, A.; Affengruber, L.; Kien, C.; Klerings, I.; Szelag, M.; Grillich, L.; Griebler, U. (2019). Evidence-based occupational health and safety interventions: a comprehensive overview of reviews. BMJ Open, 9:e032528: doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2019-032528

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