Clemens Appl

About the person

Prof. Clemens Appl is Academic Director of the Center for Intellectual Property, Media and Innovation Law at the University for Continuing Education Krems in Austria. He holds the Chair of International, European and Austrian Copyright Law.

The triad of technology, society and law forms the foundation of his scientific research, publication and teaching activities in the field of private business law. The focus of his scientific work is therefore on the legal issues arising from technological innovation, digitization, networking and the corresponding new business models and social challenges.

Against this background, his research and publication activities focus on intellectual property law, competition law, trade secrets, software law, protection of personal data and data ownership. In particular, Prof. Appl pays special attention to socially relevant issues relating to the Digital Single Market, co-creation, prosuming, digital cultural heritage and the Data and Platform Economy.

Prof. Appl has experience in leading interdisciplinary research groups and in the field of Citizen Science: In two publicly funded third-party projects, he and a diverse team, including Citizen Scientists, addressed selected fundamental questions of copyright law and its remodelling ( and Currently, Prof. Appl is leading an international consortium within the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership "DDM4SME" ( The object of the collaboration is the research-led development of the multinational continuing education program LL.M. "Data Economy Law".

Prof. Appl is an industrial engineer and studied law at the law faculty of the University of Vienna, where he received his doctorate with distinction in 2010 on "Technical Standardization and Intellectual Property". A revised and enhanced version of his thesis has been published by Springer as a monograph in early 2012. He was a member of the IT|IP-Law Group of the Vienna University of Economics and Business from 2006 until his professorship at the University for Continuing Education Krems.

He is an advisory board member and editorial director for several legal publications as well as a member of various professional associations, including chairman and founding member of the Research Association for Technology Law (FTR) and member of the board of the Research Association INFOLAW. Prof. Appl is a member of the scientific steering committees of various national and international conferences on intellectual property and competition law. Research stays in 2014 and 2016 led him to the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich.

Prof. Appl is well embedded in the international and Austrian scientific and practice community. In addition to his teaching and research activities at the University for Continuing Education Krems and the Vienna University of Economics and Business he is frequently invited to give expert presentations. Finally, he pursues various outreach activities, such as a teaching engagement at the Secondary School for Industrial Engineering and Management at the TGM in Vienna in the field of corporate management and business law.

Personal research focus

  • Copyright
  • Trademark, Design and Patent Law
  • Competition Law
  • Trade Secrets
  • Software Law
  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Data Rights

Functions in university self-administration

  • since 2023 Full Member of the Arbitration Commission the University of Arts Linz
  • since 2019 Elected member of the Senate of the University for Continuing Education Krems
  • since 2018 Elected Speaker of the Curia of Professors of the University for Continuing Education Krems and chairman of the UPV University for Continuing Education Krems
  • 2016-2022 Member of the Working Group for Equal Treatment Issues (AKG) of University for Continuing Education Krems (until 2019: Deputy Chairman of the AKG)

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

DDM4SME - Transdisciplinary Digital Education in Data-Driven Management: Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Approaches to Support StartUps and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Europe

Duration: 01/09/2020–31/08/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Clemens Appl
Funding: EU

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Completed projects

The Austrian school health system: a status quo assessment

Duration: 01/07/2021–31/12/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Ursula Griebler
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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INTER-ACT - Interactive Consensus-based Development of a Copyright Model Act

Duration: 01/07/2017–31/01/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Clemens Appl
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)
Program: Sparkling Science

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Data Market Austria

Duration: 01/10/2016–30/09/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Peter Parycek
Funding: FFG
Program: FFG IKT der Zukunft 4. Call

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Vom „User-Generated-Content” zum „User-Generated-Copyright“

Duration: 12/01/2015–31/07/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Clemens Appl
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Appl, C.; Kreutz, O.; Helmschrot, C. (Hrgs.) (2024). Daten – Information – Recht: Festschrift für Andreas Wiebe zum 65. Geburtstag. Facultas, Nomos, Wien

Appl, C. (2024). Digitale Idendität – Schutz und Verwertung der Persönlichkeit im virtuellen Raum. In: Appl, C.; Kreutz, O.; Helmschrot, C., Daten - Information - Recht: Festschrift für Andreas Wiebe zum 65. Geburtstag: 381-400, Facultas, Nomas, Wien

Appl, C. (2024). ChatGPT, Gemini & Co: Urheberrecht an den Inputs und Trainingsdaten. In: Mayrhofer, M.; Nessler, B.; Bieber, T.; Fister, M.; Homar, P.; Tumpel, M., ChatGPT, Gemini & Co: Große Sprachmodelle und Recht: 69-82, Manz, Wien

Appl, C. (2023). § 42g UrhG - Digitale Nutzungen in Unterricht und Lehre. In: Handig, C.; Hofmarcher, D.; Kucsko, G., urheber.recht (3. Auflage): 1128-1176, Manz, Wien

Appl, C. (2023). § 42h UrhG - Text- und Data-Mining. In: Handig, C.; Hofmarcher, D.; Kucsko, G., urheber.recht (3. Auflage): 1177-1212, Manz, Wien

Appl, C. (2023). § 119 UGB - Beschlussfassung. In: Straube, M.; Ratka, T.; Rauter, R., UGB – Wiener Kommentar zum Unternehmensgesetzbuch: 100. Lfg, Manz, Wien

Appl, C. (2023). § 37a UrhG - Zweitverwertungsrecht von Urhebern wissenschaftlicher Beiträge. In: Handig, C.; Hofmarcher, D.; Kucsko, G., urheber.recht (3. Auflage): 713-735, Manz, Wien

Appl, C. (2023). § 118 UGB - Kontrollrecht der Gesellschafter. In: Straube, M.; Ratka, T.; Rauter, R., UGB – Wiener Kommentar zum Unternehmensgesetzbuch: 100. Lfg, Manz, Wien

Appl, C.; Homar, P.; Kraudinger, B. (2023). Digitaler Aktionsplan Smart Farming – Rechtswissenschaftliche Bewertung. BMF, BMF, Wien

Anderl, A.; Appl, C. (2022). § 2 UWG. In: Wiebe, A.; Kodek, G., Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (2. Auflage): 81-83. Lieferung (151 Seiten), Manz, Wien

Anderl, A.; Appl, C. (2022). Anhang zu § 2 UWG. In: Wiebe, A.; Kodek, G., Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (2. Auflage): 84. Lieferung (57 Seiten), Manz, Wien

Appl, C. (2022). Wettbewerbsrecht (UWG) - Verbraucherleitbild / Irreführende Geschäftspraktiken / Vergleichende Werbung. In: Wiebe, A., Wettbewerbs- und Immaterialgüterrecht (5. Auflage): 333-336 / 374-420, Facultas, 2022

Appl, C. (2022). Urheberrecht. In: Wiebe, A., Wettbewerbs- und Immaterialgüterrecht (5. Auflage): 197-308, Facultas, Wien

Appl, C. (2022). Musterschutzrecht. In: Wiebe, A., Wettbewerbs- und Immaterialgüterrecht (5. Auflage): 93-129, Facultas, Wien

Appl, C.; Homar, Ph.; Wiebe, A. (2022). Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerb (2. Auflage). Facultas, Wien

Appl, C. (2021). Rechtsprechungsübersicht Privates Technikrecht 1/2021. ZTR - Zeitschrift für Energie und Technikrecht, 1: 53, Pedell

Appl, C.; Penz, E.; Homar, P.; Reiter, C.; Knotzer, S (2021). INTER!ACT-Endbericht - Interaktive konsensbasierte Entwicklung eines Modell-Urheberrechtsgesetzes.

Walter, M.; Appl, C. (2021). § 57 Österreichisches Urheberrecht. In: Loewenheim, U., Handbuch des Urheberrechts: 1056-1142, C.H. Beck, München

Appl, C. (2020). 2 Sekunden - 20 Jahre lang: EuGH 29. 7 .2019, C-476/17 – Pelham / Metall auf Metall. ÖBl - Österreichische Blätter für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, 3: 135-142, Manz

Appl, C. (2020). Revision harmonisierter Normen – Grenzen der Herabsetzung von Sicherheitsstandards. Zeitschrift für Energie und Technikrecht (ZTR), 3: 141-148, Pedell

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Intellectual Property & Upcycling: The Tension Between IP Protection and Sustainability in the Circular Economy

ATRIP Congress 2024, 30/06/2025

Copyright in the Digital Economy

AWS Workshop IPR - aws First International Incubator 2025, 09/01/2025

Einführung in das Urheberrecht

IP Academy, 18/11/2024

Künstliche Intelligenz und Urheberrecht

Expert Insights, 13/11/2024

KI und Urheberrecht: Training, Nutzung und Verwertung von KI-Ergebnissen

IP Academy, 01/10/2024

Digitale Identität - Schutz und Verwertung der Persönlichkeit im virtuellen Raum

1. Göttinger Forum IP-Recht 2024, 26/09/2024

Urheberrecht in der Data Economy - Urheberrechtliche Überlegungen zum Data Act

IP-DAY 2024, 18/09/2024

AI Update & Urheberrecht und AI Act

priorIT- FUTURE SUMMIT 2024, 17/09/2024

Legal Implications of Digital Cloning: How to protect and monetize the Digital Identity

CICL - 14th Conference on Innovation and Communications Law, 30/05/2024

Copyright in the Digital Economy

AWS Workshop IPR - aws First International Incubator 2024, 26/04/2024

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