University for Continuing Education Krems’ students as well as external readers are permitted to loan material from the University Library’s extensive book stock holdings, which provide special-interest literature throughout many areas.
Book Stock
Study and teaching programs are in the main focus of the library at Campus Krems. This is why the stock is constantly being expanded in order to invite to numerous special exhibitions in up-to-date research and interest areas.
Media you have taken interest in is accessible in our library catalog. This catalogue contains the University for Continuing Education Krems’ book stock and those from the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, the Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences and the European Documentation Center (EDZ).
Loans in our library catalog are marked as „available".
Electronic journals and full-text databases are ready to be explored via our research tool "biber" and via library catalog.
Loans in our library catalog are marked as „Loanable".
Materials that cannot be borrowed from the Library are:
- Loose-leaf publications
- Periodicals, daily news papers
- Reference books
- books in circulation
Loan Period
Campus Krems’ students and employees ( University for Continuing Education Krems, IMC, Karl Landsteiner Private University) are permitted to borrow 10 items for 4 weeks.
External users may borrow 5 items for a period of 2 weeks.
Borrowed items must be returned to the information desk. Outside the opening hours the items can be inserted into our book returning cart.
An independent extension of the loan period is possible via our library catalogue and can be extended up to three times.
Borrowed items may be extended for another four weeks, if applied for a day before the loan period expires and if not has been pre-ordered by another user.
In that case we kindly ask you to return the books as soon as possible.
Books, which are overdue and not yet returned after several requests, have to be newly acquired and therefore the user will be charged for the purchase.
Furthermore the user’s library account will be blocked.