The University Library offers its users access to licensed databases and electronic journals via the research platform biber.

Library Catalogue


In our library catalog you can search for the printed holdings and the licensed electronic resources of the University Library and retrieve the available online master theses.

Access Options

The Research in our Online Resources is possible at any time from outside the Campus.

The access options differ depending on the user group but local access via the library network is always possible.

For students and employees of University for Continuing Education Krems remote access is provided for most of the databases.

Students of IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems have access to the licenced databases of IMC Fachhochschule Krems via the EDesktop.

Students and staff of Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences Krems have access (resp. remote access) to databases, e-journals and e-books licensed by their university via the KLever search portal.

Due to access authorization external users can research in all licenced databases in the university library only.



By offering biber we are taking the next step in direction innovation in order to optimize research in licensed databases, electronic journals and EBooks of the University Library.



In our open online repository DOOR you will find freely accessible publications from university members such as open access articles, research data and much more. No login is required to use and download the materials.

Would you like to publish in DOOR yourself? Further information about publication in DOOR, service and benefits can be found here.

EZB - Electronic Journals Library


The Electronic Journals Library is a bibliographic database of scientific electronic journals. It also provides access to the licensed e-journals of University for Continuing Education Krems.


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