University of Krems Press
The university publishing house “University of Krems Press”, formerly “Edition Donau-Universität Krems”, sees itself as a service point and companion for the scientific publications produced at the University of Krems for Continuing Education. We support you from issuing the ISBN to the printed book or the publication of your e-book.
Works by authors and editors from the University of Krems are published. We support Open Access as a publication model: Many of the publications are available online for free reading and free downloading, e.g. B. in our institutional repository DOOR.
The focus is therefore not on commercial business operations; rather, the university press wants to promote the transfer of knowledge within disciplines, support scientific authors and work towards the independence of science.
We will help you publish your anthology, monograph or conference proceedings as a printed book and/or e-book. From the creation of your print PDF to the ordering, payment processing and delivery of the finished copies, we accompany you through the individual production steps. The printed books (on request as paperback and/or hardcover) and e-books are produced with the help of our print-on-demand publisher Tredition.
We would be happy to give you tips on designing the cover and cover of your publication and look forward to taking care of distribution to book sellers, publication notifications for the trade and commerce as well as the mandatory delivery of the finished work to the responsible Austrian libraries (according to the mandatory delivery regulations).
For Sellers
Please order titles from our publishing range directly from Tredition or from the Mohr Morawa bar range.
Latest books

Ernst Fürlinger, Sarah Nash (Hg.)
Österreichisches Transformationsforum. Zivilgesellschaftliche Kooperation für den sozial-ökologischen Wandel - 2024 Dokumentation
ISBN: 978-3-903470-13-2

Edith Blaschitz , Karin Böhm, Carl Philipp Hoffmann (Editors)
NS-Lager und Zwangsarbeit im Bezirk Krems (1939 - 1945)
ISBN: 978-3-903470-17-0

Nikolaus Koenig, Natalie Denk, Alexander Pfeiffer, Thomas Wernbacher, Simon Wimmer (Hrsg.)
Money | Games | Economies
ISBN: 978-3-903470-14-9
More Titles
Digital open access versions of our publications can be found here. Of course, titles published by the university press are also available as print editions in the university library. We would be happy to send these to you for viewing.