Deep talk: Master your skills in EU grant writing
A podcast for students, researchers, and research managers who seek to prepare Horizon Europe proposals in a conscious and structured manner. We talk to various stakeholders (evaluators, research managers, multipliers, researchers, and scientific writers) about the preparation, writing, and submission of project applications for Horizon Europe (2021–2027), the world's largest funding program for research and innovation.
Episode 1: Impact in Horizon Europe
„For many researchers, preparing, writing, and submitting funding proposals is a major hurdle. With the new podcast series 'Deep Talk', we will get you ready for your next EU application.“
Katrin Kaineder & Miriam Peinhaupt
Office for Grant Acquisition Coheads
In episode 1 we talk to Dr. Nikolaos Floratos, EU funding expert, on the second most important element of a research funding application, the impact section. We discuss a number of topics:
- Why is impact important for the European Commission?
- How to structure the impact section.
- What is the exact meaning of terms like scale, significance, and potential barriers?
- How to draft a convincing, highly rated impact section.
Links for episode 1
- Funding Expert Academy
- KeyInnovations
- LinkedIn account of Dr. Nikolaos Floratos
- Publication "Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe"
- European Commission Reference Document "Horizon Europe Programme Guide"
- Office for Grant Acquisition intranet (access restricted to UWK staff)
Episode 2: Hands on proposal writing
In episode 2 UWK researchers Dr. Anna Maria Kaiser and Dr. Albert Kraler share their expertise about the submission process of EU projects. They address the following questions:
- Why EU funding?
- Coordinator or partner?
- How to choose a topic and funding instrument.
- Who are the 'right' partners?
- Who contributes to compiling and managing a project application?
- How to approach a proposal.
Links for episode 2
Episode 3: Benefits of failing
In episode 3 we have an insightful conversation with Professor Tobias Ley about the benefits of failing when applying for funding from Horizon Europe's Pillar 2. Tobias shares his journey as a grant applicant and coordinator, providing useful advice and answering questions such as:
- How can failing improve future proposal writing?
- How can a rejected proposal be used in another way?
- How can the experience of failing enhance the research team's resilience?
- How can researchers benefit from failing?
Music credit: Serge Quadrado, "Positive Orchestral Jingle," 2022, provided by Free Music Archive. License: CC BY-SA 4.0.