Continuing education tuition fee

Continuing education tuition fees are to be collected at all Austrian public universities for continuing education studies and short programs. The continuing education tuition fees include the Austrian Student Union fee, the costs for your study documents and the StudentServiceCard.

For the exact continuing education tuition fees for the individual courses and programs, please refer to the respective study pages.

The continuing education tuition fee can be paid in one go or in installments. The payment is to be made within the respective admission/continuation period of the semester for which the partial amount is to be used for continuation registration.

When paying for multiple continuing education study programs, the study ID number must be provided so that the payment can be correctly assigned to the respective continuing education study program or short program.

Continuing education costs are tax deductible as income-related expenses or business expenses.

Students at the campus of the University for Continuing Education Krems

Austrian Student Union Fee (ÖH Fee)

The ÖH contribution guarantees the financial and political independence of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH). The ÖH represents the interests of students in Austria vis-à-vis the Ministry of Education and offers them a wide range of services.

The ÖH fee is currently €25.20 (for the academic year 2025/2026) and is to be paid by all students at public universities without exception.

During the standard period of study, the ÖH fee is included in your continuing education tuition fee and therefore does not need to be paid separately.

If you are charged a fee for exceeding the duration of study specified in the curriculum after exceeding the standard period of study, the ÖH fee is also included in this fee.

If you take leave of absence from your studies, you must pay the ÖH fee for the semester of leave within the continuation registration period. You will receive a separate message in your uwk:account on UWKOnline in the section “Studienstatus und Weiterbildungsstudienbeitrag”.
Information on how the ÖH fee is used can be found on the ÖH website.

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