Conference Tracks
Conference tracks represent fields of research, work and interest suggested by the core group of scholars over the Pre-Events. Each track is curated by a convener. Please contact the track convener if you are interested in participating actively in a track.
- Tracks will have the opportunity to meet physically or in hybrid form during the first day of the conference and engage in scholarly exchange. The format, organisation and chair of these meetings is up to the convener.
- Tracks will send representatives to the panels of the Main Sessions. Invitation to individual tracks to that purpose will come forth from the organisers.
- Active track participants will have the option to present current work or upcoming projects on the third day of the conference.
The track list is likely to be updated as the preparations for the conference proceed. Check back regularly for the current status!
Track: "Entrepreneurs as drivers of sustainability related transition processes"
Track: Participatory evaluation in Citizen Science
Track: Just Sustainable Cities: Transdisciplinary approaches for great societal challenges
Track: "From Transdisciplinary Research to Transdisciplinary Education"
Track: "Transdisciplinary Knowledge Integration in Higher Education Institutions"
Track: "Spiritual and Ethical Leadership through Transdisciplinarity"
Track: "The Role of Arts in Transformation Processes"
Track: "Transdisciplinarity for Sustainable Transition from a Systems Science Perspective"
Active Participants
Veronika Deisenrieder
Kay Mühlmann, Social Systems Researcher
Gerald Steiner, Transdisciplinary innovation systems researcher
Eva Schernhammer, Public health researcher
Mathias Schüz