
Starting signal for the PopUpUrbanSpaces June at Hafnerplatz in Krems

On 4 June 2024, the first event of the month took place on Hafnerplatz in Krems: Pupils from BORG Krems painted the closed road surface.

After additional seating, greenery and bike racks were delivered at the beginning of the week, the next activity followed on Hafnerplatz: colorful flowers, animals and stools made from old tyres now adorn the street surface of the square, inviting people to look at them and making the square cozier and spreading a good mood.

In June, the PopUpUrbanSpaces project team wants to bring Hafnerplatz in Krems back to life!

The people of Krems are invited to use the square, play on it and spend more time there. Various activities are planned on days in June 2024 to actively participate or watch.


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