
Pursuant to § 43 UG 2002, every university must establish an Arbitration Commission. Its tasks include mediating in disputes between members of the university and deciding on complaints by the Committee for Equality Issues, for example on grounds of gender discrimination by a decision of an university organ.



The Arbitration Commission consists of six members, whereby these do not need to be members of the university. One male and one female member each are nominated by the Senate, the University Council and the Committee for Equality Issues for a term of two years. Two of the members must be legally qualified.

Deputy Chairperson

Mag. Dr. Karin Neuwirth


Mag. Dr. Paula Blasch

ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Brodil

Mag. Dr. Christopher Frank

Mag. Dr. Karin Neuwirth

Dr. Richard Simsalik

Mag. Susanne Sulzbacher

Substitute Members

ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Gamauf

Mag. Dr. Simon Ortner

Mag. Dr. Alfred Popper

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sieglinde Rosenberger

Mag. Barbara Schaffer

Dr. Brigitte Schigl, MSc


Mag.(FH) Martina Schachenhuber, MA


+43 2732 893-5324

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