Code of Conduct of the University for Continuing Education Krems

1. Preamble

  • The University for Continuing Education Krems is Europe’s leading public university for continuing education. With its expertise in research and teaching it works to overcome societal challenges.
  • The staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems are loyal to the University for Continuing Education Krems and its strategic goals and key strategies (see strategy document " University for Continuing Education Krems Strategy. Mission Statement, Strategic Goals, Key Strategies") and act accordingly. This of course also includes the fulfillment of official duties.
  • The staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems abide by the law as well as the published guidelines (compliance). Observing ethical values and academic quality standards are a matter of course.
  • The staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems regard themselves as officials and therefore abide by the legal regulations applicable for officials.
  • This Code of Conduct (CoC) summarizes the most important directions for action at the University for Continuing Education Krems and sets down the binding framework of action for all staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems.
  • The staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems familiarize themselves with the applicable guidelines and are aware of their personal responsibility. Employees in leading positions act as role models and set an example to their staff.

2. Principles of Cooperation

  • Employees treat all colleagues and students as well as cooperation, research and business partners with attention, appreciation, and respect. This is also reflected in communication.
  • All staff members of the University help to ensure that interactions are objective, fair and solution-oriented. Diverse perspectives are heard and valued. Conflicts are addressed directly and as soon as possible. Support is sought when needed.
  • Employees acknowledge diversity and its high potential for innovation. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated (This includes, in particular, discrimination on the basis of age, religion and belief, gender, gender identity, cultural and ethnic origin, language, social or professional status, lifestyle, political conviction, sexual orientation, disability and caring responsibilities.). Sexual harassment and bullying are unacceptable and may result in disciplinary and criminal consequences. Persons affected receive support from the university.
  • Collegiality and mutual support among employees - even beyond the immediate work area - are the basis of cooperation at the university. Employees respond promptly and respectfully to the concerns of others.
  • University employees choose their communication channels and times carefully, taking into account the realities of other people's lives.
  • Employees are committed to innovation and maintain an appreciative environment where people can learn from mistakes. Regular communication, constructive feedback, willingness for continuing education, and openness to evaluation provide the basis for continuous improvement.

3. Good academic practice

  • The staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems adhere to the standards of good academic practice and, if necessary, involve the ethics commission at the University for Continuing Education Krems in planning research projects (cf. § 2 of the IXth part of the statutes of the University for Continuing Education Krems).
  • Conduct detrimental to the standards of good academic practice is refrained from.

4. Relations with business partners and third parties

  • Third-party donations made to the University for Continuing Education Krems in the form of money, material assets or services must be transparent and appropriate.
  • Personal donations (gifts, invitations, or other benefits) given in connection with the recipient’s professional activities for the University for Continuing Education Krems are acceptable only if their value is minimal and not directly connected with current or possible future business dealings. In the event of doubt, the legitimate personnel superior is to be informed.

5. Personal and economic conflicts of interest

  • In the event of conflicts of interest, the regulations laid down in the Rectorate’s Guidelines on Legal Transactions with Related Parties are heeded.
  • The staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems particularly refrain from taking any secondary employment that conflicts with their professional activities for the University for Continuing Education Krems.
  • Staff members at the University for Continuing Education Krems do not offer any paid services in connection with their professional activities to students attending continuing education study programs at the University for Continuing Education Krems if they are involved in evaluating students’ performance in the study program.

6. Handling of resources and the environment

  • The premises and facilities provided by the University for Continuing Education Krems (furniture, hardware, software, telephones, databases, networks, etc.) are for work-related use only. The staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems use the resources and facilities provided by the university for their designated purpose in a cost-conscious and responsible manner. The University for Continuing Education Krems house rules apply.
  • Occasional private use of IT equipment is acceptable if regular university operation is not disrupted as a result, and no personally gainful purposes are pursued. Misuse is not tolerated.
  • The University for Continuing Education Krems always aims to provide an inspiring, healthy working environment (e.g. occupational health promotion, University Sports Institute, various campaigns).
  • The University for Continuing Education Krems is a member of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities and is therefore committed to the principles of (ecological) sustainability and environmental protection. The staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems strive to protect the environment and conserve energy.

7. Handling of information (Confidentiality)

  • University work involves handling confidential, classified and sensitive data. For this reason, the staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems observe the university’s own regulations as well as the regulations set down in the General Data Protection Regulation when handling data and information, both during and after their professional activities for the university.
  • This means that staff handle all data, even if not explicitly classified as confidential, conscientiously and with care, both during and after their professional activities for the University for Continuing Education Krems.
  • The staff at the University for Continuing Education Krems take particular care and precautions when electronically processing information and data, and when accessing data on mobile end devices.

8. Leadership responsibility

  • Employees in leadership positions have organizational and supervisory duties to fulfill and are responsible for the staff assigned to them. However, this responsibility does not exonerate staff from their own personal responsibility.
  • Employees in leadership positions are aware of the applicable legal regulations and guidelines in connection with their duties. By means of appropriate supervision they ensure that their staff also observe these frameworks. In doing so, they confer as much autonomy and discretion on their employees as possible and necessary.
  • At the University for Continuing Education Krems, employees in leadership positions are responsible for the costs of the units they lead and work with their staff to ensure that resources are used efficiently. The academic and economic interests of the University for Continuing Education Krems are protected likewise.
  • Employees in leadership positions regularly conduct career development talks and objectively appraise the qualifications and suitability of their staff for the tasks they are responsible for. In doing so, they encourage their staff to pursue personal development, to develop the work processes assigned to them, and to make suggestions for improvement. These are taken seriously.
  • Employees in leadership positions observe the "Leadership Principles of the University for Continuing Education Krems".

9. Enforcement

  • The special position of the University for Continuing Education Krems in society is acknowledged by all employees by complying with this Code of Conduct. Employees in leadership positions in particular ensure that the regulations of the Code of Conduct are observed.
  • Infringement of the Code of Conduct may have legal consequences.
  • In view of the shared responsibility to observe the Code of Conduct, complaints regarding infringement of the Code of Conduct can be officially addressed to the legitimate personnel superior. Moreover, every employee also has the right, if necessary, to report infringements to the Dean of the Faculty/Head of the Department/Head of the Division or to the Rectorate. All individuals involved in handling such complaints (e.g. supervisor, head of a unit) do so confidentially.
  • Individuals who, in good faith, report possible infringements to supervisors, Deans, Heads of Departments/Divisions or the Rectorate or file a whistleblower report, will not suffer negative consequences as a result.
  • As the person responsible for compliance at the University for Continuing Education Krems, the Head of the Office for Internal Audit is available to answer any questions relating to the Code of Conduct.

Leadership Principles of the University for Continuing Education Krems

Focusing on goals

As a leader, I am guided by the strategic framework of the University for Continuing Education Krems and am (co-)responsible for achieving the strategic goals. The overall objectives and their significance within the immediate work context are clarified. This fosters a sense of direction and confidence in the employees’ actions.

Making decisions

As a leader, I make use of the defined scopes for decision-making and take  responsibility for decisions that are made in a targeted, timely, appropriate and
comprehensible manner. By creating an environment that encourages employees to contribute different points of view, thoughts and  ideas, I facilitate well-founded decisions. 

Valuing and developing employees

As a leader, I know the skills, strengths, and interests of my employees, giving  them the opportunity to co-determine their individual roles. The workload is  reasonable and manageable. Working conditions take into account  heterogeneous life situations. Supporting the development of employees  according to their skills, strengths and interests is a matter of course.

Strengthening leadership skills

As a leader, I regularly reflect on my actions. In the spirit of innovation, mistakes are seen as opportunities. The goal is to create a safe environment where people can learn from mistakes and where giving and  receiving feedback is natural. Changing conditions require continuous  development of leadership skills. As a leader, I live what I expect from my  employees and take care of my own work intensity.

Communicating mindfully

As a leader, I reflect on the communication and decision-making processes  within my purview and communicate concerns of all kinds as quickly as  possible. Transparent and honest communication creates understanding, trust and credibility for my own actions. I consciously use the different  communication channels. Tensions or conflicts are adressed openly and  promptly. Creating opportunities for informal exchange helps to promote good
contact between employees.

Living diversity and inclusion

As a leader, I value the different experiences and perspectives of my employees and encourage their diverse potential. Diversity – gender and  gender identity, cultural and ethnic origin, language, religion and ideology, age, sexual orientation, social and professional status, lifestyle,  political beliefs, disability, caregiving responsibilities, etc. – is an enrichment for
collaboration. I foster an inclusive environment where all employees can contribute to the diversity of the team in a climate of acceptance and mutual trust.

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