Centre for Migration and Globalisation Research
The department's research understands migration as an integral part of complex processes of internationalisation, globalisation and social transformation and examines migration processes, impacts of migration (on migrants themselves, on societies of origin and host societies) and migration policy issues with a view to these broader processes.
Centre for Global Competences
Diversity is changing society in Austria and Europe, making living together richer and more complex at the same time. We see the related challenges of migration societies as fields of action, and the actors in these fields as our primary target group for our courses. Globalisation, migration and exchange between cultures require new scientifically sound knowledge and practice-relevant competences. For us, theory-guided and research-based teaching means enabling students to see their practically acquired knowledge of action from a new perspective.

„In the case of socially highly debated topics such as migration and integration, science has the task of providing facts and scientifically based analyses.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Czaika
Head of Department for Migration and Globalisation