The Department of Migration and Globalization publishes unlimited to dependent publications (book contributions and journal articles) in foreign media, and has increasingly launched a series of publications and books published by the Department itself.
Publications in the series and in the book series are subject to a quality assurance process carried out by the Department. Furthermore the Department aims give to the broadest possible public access to these publications at the lowest possible cost. The Department is therefore explicitly committed to the principles of an Open Access Policy.
All Publications of the Department
Czaika, M.; Weisner, Z. (2025). Migration aspirations and their realisation: a configurational driver analysis of 26 African and Asian research areas. Comparative Migration Studies, 13(8):
Tsourdi, L.; Zardo, F. (2025). Migration Governance Through Funding: Theoretical, Normative, and Empirical Perspectives. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 2025:
Zardo, F. (2025). Following AENEAS’ Route: Unpacking Two Decades ofMigration-Related Measures in EU Development Funds. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 2025:
Schreier, S. (2024). From Policy to Reality: Examining the Rippling Effects of Return Migration Governance in Nigeria. International Migration Review, online first:
Rodrigues-Pena, N. (2024). The strength of migration and stay aspirations: understanding harmonious, conflicting and indeterminate aspirations. Comparative Migration Studies, 12: 42
Wolff. S.; Zardo, F. (2024). The role of sub-national actors in coordinative Europeanisation: insights from the digitalisation of asylum services. Comparative European Politics, online:
Weisner, Z.; Vidal, P.; Kraler, A.; Czaika, M. (2024). Trust in Transit: External Migration Control and Migrants’ Perceptions of Humanitarian Borderwork in the Sahel. International Migration Review, 0: 0
Neubauer, J. (2024). Book Review: Mobility Economies in Europe's Borderlands. International Migration Review, 0(0): 1-3
Neubauer, J. (2024). Envisioning futures at new destinations: geographical imaginaries and migration aspirations of Nepali migrants moving to Malta. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 0(0): 1-20
Czaika, M.; Bohnet, H.; Zardo, F.; Bijak, J. (2024). European migration governance in the context of uncertainty. International Migration, 26 July 2024:
Dück, E.; Weisner, Z.; Thevenin, E. (2024). Female, Deserving, and European? The Changing EUropean Migration Discourse in the Face of the Russia–Ukraine War. Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS), (0):
Safi, A. A.; Czaika, M. (2024). The transnational engagement of Afghan diaspora organizations: Drivers of diaspora specialization. Global Networks, Volume 25 Issue 1:
Czaika, M.; Bohnet, H.; Zardo, F. (2024). Categorical and spatial interlinkages within the European migration policy mix. European Union Politcs, Volume 25(1): 173-196
Almasri, S. (2023). Accessible vs Applicable Policies? A Discussion on Calculated Informality of Afghan Migrants in Turkey. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 1:
Soto Nishimura, A.; Czaika, M. (2023). Exploring Migration Determinants: a Meta-Analysis of Migration Drivers and Estimates. Journal of International Migration and Integration, Oktober 2023:
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