The Center focuses on the analysis of governance of and in higher education, and on how the transformation of governance interlinks with the governance of transformation. The broader conceptual understanding refers to higher education governance in context of knowledge society, knowledge economy and knowledge democracy.


Center activities are:

  1. Combining basic research with applied research, integrated in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary frameworks of scientific and artistic research conduct;
  2. Reflecting on the pluralism of governance (for example New Public Management, Network Governance and Epistemic Governance) in connection with innovation and Third Mission (the entrepreneurial university), also the Fourth Mission (higher education as co-creator of society and democracy, and the academic firm);
  3. Contributing to theory-building work by inquiring on the Democracy Education Nexus, and concepts of the Quadruple and Quintuple Helix innovation systems (co-created by Carayannis and Campbell, “basic research in the context of application”);
  4. Engaging in major research activities, by participating in calls at the European (Union) level as well as by applying for national funding agencies;
  5. Offering practical advice and policy recommendations for governance to institutional actors in diversified settings (national, European and global), for example to facilitate leadership governance, being accompanied by the application of various methods, such as an involvement of peers;
  6. Providing academic-publication-input in peer-reviewed journals and other publication formats, including the department-level academic Journal of Research and Innovation in Higher Education, JRIHE;
  7. Supporting the Third and Fourth Mission narrative-diffusion about higher education, by leading the Uni Governance platform-and-blog, and co-organizing the annual conference of the “University Dialogue Krems”;
  8. Supervising the book series Sciences Transformation Politics and the Kremser Theses (Knowledge Research Education MULTIPLIER Society Enhancement Renaissance), both being distributed by the publisher Passagen-Verlag;
  9. Practicing research-based teaching interconnected with teaching-based research.


Research Projects


Duration: 28/02/2022–30/04/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): David Friedrich James Campbell
Funding: EU


Zenk L.; Pausits A.; Brenner B.; Campell D.F.; Behrens D.A. Stöckler E.M.; Oppl St.; Steiner G. (2024). Meta-competences in complex environments: An interdisciplinary perspective. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 53: 101515

Burkert, G.R.; Campbell, D.F.J.; Pausits, A.; Westa, S. (Hrsg.) (2024). Zukunft. Hochschulen. Governance. Kremser Thesen. Passagen Verlag, Wien

Geppert, C.; Pausits, A.; Campbell, D.; Reisky, F.; Lessky, F. (2024). Die akademische Profession in Österreich. Eine Analyse der APIKS-Austria-Erhebung. Waxmann, Münster

Burkert, G.R. (2024). Zur Governance sinkender Studierendenzahlen – Das Ende der Massenuniversität: individuelle Zielvereinbarung statt globaler Vermessenheit. In: Burkert, G.R.; Campbell, D.F.J.; Pausits, A.; Westa, S., Zukunft. Hochschulen. Governance. Kremser Thesen: 41-48, Passagen Verlag, Wien

Campbell, D. F. J.; Pausits, A.; Geppert, C. (2024). Die APIKS-Studie in ihrer historischen Verortung. In: Geppert, C.; Pausits, A.; Campbell, D.; Reisky, F.; Lessky, F., Die akademische Profession in Österreich. Eine Analyse der APIKS-Austria-Erhebung: 19-35, Waxmann, Münster

Campbell, D.F.J. (2024). Ein Pluralismus von Governance in der Governance ist wichtig, um Universitäten und die Hochschulsysteme in der Entwicklung „nach dem New Public Management“ nachhaltig und innovativ zu unterstützen. In: Burkert, G.R.; Campbell, D.F.J.; Pausits, A.; Westa, S., Zukunft. Hochschulen. Governance. Kremser Thesen: 29-34, Passagen Verlag, Wien

Campbell, D.F.J.; Westa, S.; Pausits, A. (2024). Von der Transformation der Governance und der Governance der Transformation. In: Burkert, G.R.; Campbell, D.F.J.; Pausits, A.; Westa, S., Zukunft. Hochschulen. Governance. Kremser Thesen: 9-14, Passagen Verlag, Wien

Geppert, C.; Campbell, D.F.J. (2024). Forschung an Österreichs Hochschulen aus der Perspektive des wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Personals. In: Geppert, C.; Pausits, A.; Campbell, D.; Reisky, F.; Lessky, F., Die akademische Profession in Österreich. Eine Analyse der APIKS-Austria-Erhebung: 65-82, Waxmann, Münster

Westa, S. (2024). Die KI transformiert die Wissenschaft und ihre Governance und wird diese in Zukunft revolutionieren, wenn nicht sogar evolvieren. In: Burkert, G.R.; Campbell, D.F.J.; Pausits, A.; Westa, S., Zukunft. Hochschulen. Governance. Kremser Thesen: 85-92, Passagen Verlag, Wien

Burkert, G. R. (2024). Die zensierte Gesellschaft – die zensierte Universität. Die Universitäten unter gesellschaftlichem Druck? UNILEX Informationen zu universitätsrechtlicher Theorie und Praxis 2024, 2024: 3-6, Zentralausschuss für die Universitätslehrer/innen der Ämter der Universitäten

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