The Centre for Evidence-Based Health Services Research examines how inpatient healthcare is organised and delivered and develops practical improvement proposals. Using an interdisciplinary approach and modern research methods, patients, relatives, and healthcare professionals are actively involved in the research. The goal is to further develop healthcare in a scientifically sound manner.

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The Centre for Evidence-Based Health Services Research is a collaboration between the Department of Evidence-Based Medicine and Evaluation and the Lower Austrian Health and Social Fund (NÖGUS). Its objective is to analyse the quality of inpatient care and develop recommendations for its improvement. The focus extends to the entire inpatient care process. The Centerfollows an interdisciplinary approach and actively engages various healthcare stakeholders.
Following Pfaff et al. (2024), health services research is understood as a scientific discipline aimed at describing, understanding, and explaining healthcare and its contextual factors, as well as advancing the development of healthcare concepts. In addition to applied research, the Centre places strong emphasis on foundational research, developing new health services research methods and optimising existing ones while maintaining an interdisciplinary perspective.

The Centre's activities include:

  • Designing and planning studies in applied health services research
  • Conducting empirical studies, particularly primary data collection and analysis using qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Performing secondary data analyses based on routine data, especially data from the Austrian Diagnoses Related Group system (LKF)
  • Conducting evidence syntheses in the field of health services research

In applied health services research, the Centre pursues the following objectives (Pfaff et al., 2024):

  • Patient-centeredness: The needs and preferences of patients are central to healthcare.
  • Outcome orientation: The aim is to improve the quality of inpatient care.
  • Family involvement: The social environment of patients is integrated into health services research, as it plays a crucial role in recovery and care.
  • Workforce orientation: Healthcare is aligned with the needs and well-being of providers (nurses, allied health professionals, and physicians).
  • System development: Health services research contributes to the advancement of the healthcare system.

The Centre is also a member of the German Network for Health Services Research (DNVF e.V.).

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