Cochrane Austria is the national representative of the international non-profit organization Cochrane. This network of health professionals has been working since 1993 to ensure that decision-makers in the field of health care have access to scientifically sound and independent information.

Cochrane Austria

Authors of Cochrane Reviews collect and summarize the best scientific studies on important health issues. In this way, they create a balanced basis for health-related decisions. Members and supporters from over 190 countries contribute to the work of Cochrane.

Main tasks of Cochrane Austria

Cochrane Austria aims to promote reliable and independent evidence in the service of informed decision-making and better health in Austria. The main activities include knowledge transfer, teaching methodological skills, public relations and promotion of international cooperation.

To promote the knowledge transfer of evidence-based, independent information, Cochrane Austria operates the information platforms, the evidence-based information centre for physicians, the evidence-based information centre for nurses, and the German-language Cochrane blog

Cochrane Austria offers workshops and individual courses to teach the methodological skills needed to work in an evidence-based manner.

Further tasks include:

  • Methodological advice to Austrian authors of systematic reviews
  • Conduct of Cochrane Reviews
  • Public relations
  • Presentations and workshops at (inter)national events
  • methodological research
  • Participation in international networks (Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methodology Group, Cochrane International Mobility Programme, Cochrane Public Health Europe)

For more information on Cochrane Austria, please visit

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