Compensation for disadvantages

Compensating due to reasons of impairment is an important instrument to achieve equal opportunities.

Persons who experience a restriction in their studies due to

  • Disabilities
  • Physical or motor impairments (e.g. locomotor system)
  • Sensory impairments (e.g. hearing, visual, speech impairments)
  • Mental illness (e.g. depression, burn-out)
  • Chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes, crohn's disease)
  • Autism spectrum condition, ASD
  • Reading and/or spelling difficulties (e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia)
  • or as the case may be

Compensation for disadvantages is intended to compensate for individual and situational disadvantages caused by a disability. You can receive compensation during your studies for i.a.:

  • Deviating audit methods
  • Work implements or technical aids
  • Study and communication assistance
  • Literature and learning materials
  • Appropriate arrangements in courses

Compensations are always assessed individually in relation to the situation, and not given generally. We recommend that you apply for compensation as early as possible (2 weeks at the latest).

  • If the head of studies has officially approved the compensation, there is a legal entitlement to it.
  • Compensation will not be noted on academic certificates, grade sheets, transcripts, etc.

Deviating audit methods

According to § 59 paragraph 1 number 12 Austrian University Act, students suffering from long-term disabilities have the right of deviating examination methods if the examination cannot be taken using the prescribed method due to the disability, and the content and requirements of the examinations are not affected by a deviating method.

Therefore, exams requiring the same content and performance are possible, yet taken in a different mode. A number of tried and tested compensations are listed below. In individual cases, however, other measures may be necessary.

  • Extended examination and preparation times
  • Extension of the processing time by actual break times
  • Tests carried out in separate rooms supervised by our staff
  • Extended deadlines for submission of term papers and final papers
  • Differing examination form (e.g. oral instead of written, term paper instead of examination)
  • Using technical aids and providing personal assistance (PAA)
  • Availability of adapted test documents (e.g. large print)

Please contact your course director or the disability officer as early as possible (no later than 8 weeks before the exam) to discuss the required modification of your exam.


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