
InTribology will revolutionize the process of designing and validating tribological systems through data-driven methods, thereby enabling customized solutions and fostering industrial innovation in European industry, and leading tribology into an era of digital transformation. The vision of “Tribology Intelligence – Customized Tribology for Industrial Innovation” (InTribology) is to strengthen R&D in tribology and to meet challenges posed by digital transformation. The latter also means that, research in tribology will turn into a data-centered activity driving radically new opportunities in international research co-operations. This vision will be achieved by fostering and extending an ambitious research programme on a global scale, competing with internationally renowned research institutions and thus, fully complying with the COMET programme objectives. “Tribology Intelligence” refers to the capacity for problem solving in tribology based on a wellfounded tribological knowledge, adequate tribological reasoning, proper planning and transdisciplinary creativity among others. Tribology Intelligence will primarily be used, but is not restricted, to customize tribology for industrial innovation. Its realization within the framework of InTribology is achieved by augmentation of our long-standing experience, vast expertise and solid knowledge in tribology with Artificial Intelligence (AI). A number of outstanding topics will extend the research focus of AC²T considering the dramatic changes in technology (e.g., digitalization, additive manufacturing, electrification), global trends in economy (e.g., by urbanization), and challenges due to ever increasing needs on the part of ecology (e.g., decarbonization). The overall goal of InTribology is to drive industrial innovations through customized solutions by means of transdisciplinary application of information/digital technologies in tribological research and engineering


Projektzeitraum 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2024
Fördergeber FFG

Department für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizin und Forschung

Zentrum für Regenerative Medizin

Projekt­verantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Nehrer, MSc
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