Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Bernhard Fischer
+43 2732 893-2685
Zum Kontaktformular
Campus Krems, Trakt C, 3. Stock, 3.16
- Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
- Department für Biomedizinische Forschung
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Österreich
Publikationen (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Ebeyer-Masotta, M.; Eichhorn, T.; Fischer, M.B.; Weber, V. (2024). Impact of production methods and storage conditions on extracellular vesicles in packed red blood cells and platelet concentrates. Transfus Apher Sci, 63: 103891
Hauser, F.; Naderer, C.; Priglinger, E.; Peterbauer, A.; Fischer, M.B.; Redl, H.; and Jacak, J. (2024). Single molecule studies of dynamic platelet interactions with endothelial cells. Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 12: 1372807
Watrowski, R.; Schuster, E.; Hofstetter, G.; Fischer, M.B.; Mahner, S.; Van Gorp, T.; Polterauer, S.; Zeillinger, R.; Obermayr, E. (2024). Association of four interleukin-8 polymorphisms (-251 A>T, +781 C>T, +1633 C>T, +2767 A>T) with ovarian cancer risk: Focus on menopausal status and endometriosis-related subtypes. Biomedicines, 12(2): 321
Watrowski, R.; Schuster, E.; Van Gorp, T.; Hofstetter, G.; Fischer, M.B.; Mahner, S.; Polterauer, S.; Zeillinger, R.; Obermayr, E. (2024). Association of the single nucleotide polymorphisms rs11556218, rs4778889, rs4072111, and rs1131445 of the interleukin-16 gene with ovarian cancer. Int J Mol Sci, 25(19): 10272
Welsch, E.; Bonsting, L.; Holzer, B.; Schuster, E.; Weiß, E.; Zaharie, A-T.; Krainer, M.; Fischer, M.B.; El-Heliebi, A.; Zeillinger, R.; Obermayr, E. (2024). Multi-marker analysis of circulating tumor cells in localized intermediate/high-risk and metastatic prostate cancer. Clin Exp Metastasis, Sep 21: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10585-024-10313-2
Bender, M.; Escher, A.; Messner, B.; Rohrich, M.; Fischer, M.B.; Hametner, C.; Laufer, G.; Kertzscher, U.; Zimpfer, D.; Jakubek, S.; Granegger, M. (2023). An atraumatic mock loop for realistic hemocompatibility assessment of blood pumps. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, Dec 22: 1-12
Welsch, E.; Schuster, E.; Krainer, M.; Marhold, M.; Bartsch, R.; Fischer, M.B.; Hermann, M.; Hastermann, G.; Uher, H.; Sliutz, G.; Anker, B.; Zeillinger, R.; Obermayr, E. (2023). Comparison of RNA marker panels for circulating tumor cells and evaluation of their prognostic relevance in breast cancer. Cancer (Basel), 15(4): 1271
Ebeyer-Masotta, M.; Eichhorn, T.; Weiss, R.; Semak, V.; Lauková, L.; Fischer, M.B. and Weber, V. (2022). Heparin-functionalized adsorbents eliminate central effectors of immunothrombosis, including platelet factor 4, high-mobility group box 1 protein and histones. Int J Mol Sci, 23: 1823
Haider, P.; Kral-Pointner, J.B.; Salzmann, M.; Moik, F.; Bleichert, S.; Schrottmaier, W.C.; Kaun, C.; Brekalo, M.; Fischer, M.B.; Speidl, W.S.; Hengstenberg, C.; Podesser, B.K.; Huber, K.; Pabinger, I.; Knapp, S.; Brombacher, F.; Brostjan, C.; Ay, C.; Wojta, J.; Hohensinner, P.J. (2022). Interleukin-4 receptor alpha signaling regulates monocyte homeostasis. FASEB J, 36(10): e22532
Sauerwein, K.; Geier, C.B.; Stemberger, R.F.; Rossmanith, R.; Akyaman, H.; Illes, P.; Fischer, M.B.; Walter, J.E.; Eibl, M.M.; Wolf, H.M. (2022). Functionally impaired antibody response to booster vaccination with BNT162B2 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in CVID IgG responders. J Allergy Clin Immunol, Dec 2: S0091-6749(22)01618-9
Sauerwein, K.M.; Geier, C.B.; Stemberger, R.F.; Akyaman, H.; Illes, P.; Fischer, M.B.; Eibl, M.M.; Walter, J.E.; Wolf, H.M. (2022). Antigen-specific CD4+ T-cell activation in primary antibody deficiency after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Front Immunol, 13: 827048
Summer, S.; Rossmanith, E.; Pasztorek, M.; Fiedler, C.; Gröger, M.; Rauscher, S.; Weber V. and Fischer, M.B. (2022). Mesenchymal stem cells support human vascular endothelial cells to form vascular sprouts in human platelet lysate-based matrices. PlosOne, 17(12): e0278895
Bergmann, M.; Heidbreder, A.; Stefani, A.; Raccagni, C.; Brandauer, E.; Rudzki, D.; Fischer, M.B.; Rossmanith, E.; Pasztorek, M.; Löscher, W.N.; Högl, B.; Wanschitz, J.V. (2021). Signs of sympathetic and endothelial cell activation in the skin of patients with restless legs syndrome. Sleep Med, 84: 227-236
Fendl, B.; Weiss, R.; Eichhorn, T.; Linsberger, I.; Afonyushkin, T.; Puhm, F.; Binder, C.J.; Fischer, M.B.; Weber, V. (2021). Extracellular vesicles are associated with C-reactive protein in sepsis. Sci Rep, 11: 6996
Hohensinner, P.J.; Lenz, M.; Haider, P.; Mayer, J.; Richter, M.; Kaun, C.; Goederle, L.; Brekalo, M.; Salzmann, M.; Sharma, S.; Fischer, M.B.; Stojkovic, S.; Ramsmayer, D.; Hengstenberg, C.; Podesser, B.K.; Huber, K.; Binder, C.J.; Wojta, J.; Speidl, W.S. (2021). Pharmacological inhibition of fatty acid oxidation reduces atherosclerosis progression by suppression of macrophage NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Biochem Pharmacol, 190: 114634
Hohensinner, P.J.; Mayer, J.; Kichbacher, J.; Kral-Pointner, J.; Thaler. B.; Kaun, C.; Hell, L.; Haider, P.; Mussbacher, M.; Schmid, J.A.; Stojkovic, S.; Demyanets. S.; Fischer, M.B.; Huber, K.; Wöran, K.; Hengstenberg, C.; Speidl, W.S.; Oehler, R.; Pabinger, I.; Wojta, J. (2021). Alternative activation of human macrophages enhances tissue factor expression and production of extracellular vesicles. Haematologica, 106(2): 454-463
Kocsis, Á.; Pasztorek, M.; Rossmanith, E.; Djinovic, Z.; Mayr, T.; Spitz, S.; Zirath, H.; Ertl, P.; Fischer, M.B. (2021). Dependence of mitochondrial function on the filamentous actin cytoskeleton in cultured mesenchymal stem cells treated with cytochalasin B. J Biosci Bioeng, 132(3): 310-320
Pasztorek, M.; Mrazova, D.; Rossmanith, E.; Walzer, S.; Rauscher, S.; Groeger, M.; Weber, V.; Rychtarikova-Stysova, R.; Stys, D.; and Fischer, M.B. (2021). Stress fiber formation, mitochondrial morphology and membrane properties of human mesenchymal stem cells cultured in plastic adherence or in spherical aggregates. J Regen Med, 10: 1
Dorfer, S.; Strasser, K.; Schröckenfuchs, G.; Bonelli, M.; Bauer, W.; Kittler, H.; Cataisson, C.; Fischer, M.B.; Lichtenberger, B.M.; Handisurya, A. (2020). Mus musculus papillomavirus 1 is a key driver of skin cancer development upon immunosuppression. Am J Transplant, 21(2): 525-539
Haider, P.; Kral-Pointner, J.B.; Mayer, J.; Richter, M.; Kaun, C.; Brostjan, C.; Eilenberg, W.; Fischer, M.B.; Speidl, W.S.; Hengstenberg, C.; Huber, K.; Wojta, J.; Hohensinner, P. (2020). Neutrophil extracellular trap degradation by differently polarized macrophage subsets. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 40(9): 2265-2278