Olga Kolokytha


Senior Scientist


Zur Person

Dr. Olga Kolokytha holds a PhD in Cultural Institutions Studies (Kulturbetriebslehre) awarded with Distinction by the University of Music and the Performing Arts Vienna; an MA in Arts Management (City University London); and a BA in Musicology and Music Education (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). She is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal City, Culture and Society and an elected member of the Board of the Research Network Sociology of the Arts of the European Sociological Association. Her research interests include, but are not limited to, cultural institutions (tangible and intangible), cultural policy, culture in times of crises, and cultural diplomacy. She speaks English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. 

She is the lead researcher for the University of Vienna of the Horizon 2020 project Creative Industries Cultural Economy Production Network – CICERONE (project leaders: University of Amsterdam) as well as leader of one of the project's work packages. She has taught at university level (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greek Open University, University of Vienna, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) and worked extensively as cultural projects manager and consultant around Europe. She has worked with the European Opera Centre as Projects Manager since 2003. Her research monograph Artistic Development of Young Professional Singers (2013) explores the notion of Artistic Development multiperspectively and focuses on issues of industry, career and professional development. She is regularly invited to give lectures for cultural organisations. In December 2016 she received the Best Publication Award, given to the best published PhD research for the years 2013-2015 by the University of Music and the Performing Arts of Vienna. In February 2018 she was among the key experts invited by the European Commission to the consultation on the future of the European Agenda for Culture.


  • Cultural and creative industries
  • Cultural policy
  • Cultural management
  • Sociology of culture
  • Cultural heritage and cultural memory


  1. Member of the Editorial Board of the journal City, Culture and Society (since 2021)
  2. Elected member of the Board of the European Sociological Association Research Network Sociology of the Arts (since 2019).
  3. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd Dance Days Chania conference "Dance: the art of communication. Concept- action- extroversion?", Centre of Mediterranean Architecture, Chania 27-28 July 2019.
  4. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 1st Dance Days Chania conference "Borders, boundaries and margins in contemporary dance", Centre of Mediterranean Architecture, Chania 21-22 July 2018
  5. Among the key experts invited by the European Commission to the consultation on the future of the European Agenda for Culture on 19th February 2018.
  6. Member of the European Sociological Association since 2017.
  7. One of the 35 representatives of the cultural sector invited by European Commission to participate at the Audience Development via Digital Means Brainstorming Session (part of the European Commission structured dialogue scheme) in Amsterdam (June 2015) and Brussels (October 2015).
  8. Member of the European Association of Cultural Researchers (ECURES) since 2012 (after invitation).
  9. Ranked 7th in Europe for the Cultural Policy Research Award 2006, awarded by the European Cultural Foundation and the Bank of Sweden.
  10. Member of the Editorial Board of the e-journal Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management of the Department of Cultural Policy and Management, School of Arts, City University London (2003-2004).
  11. Affiliate member of the International Society of Music Education 2001-2004.
  12. Member of the Editorial Board of "Music Education" Journal (the Journal of the Greek Society of Music Education) from 2000 until 2002.

Projekte (Auszug Forschungs­datenbank)

Laufende Projekte

Composing Change. Orchestral Impact in European Societies

Projektzeitraum: 01.03.2025–29.02.2028
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Olga Kolokytha
Fördergeber: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Publikationen (Auszug Forschungs­datenbank)

Belinskaya, Y., Kolokytha, O. (2025). From outlaw art to urban euphoria: Graffiti legitimization processes from within. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 11(2): 171-191

Chaidemenaki, L.; Kolokytha, O. (2024). Whose culture is it anyway? Perceptions of accessibility in museums by professionals working with people with intellectual disabilities in Greece. Museum Management and Curatorship, online first: 1-18

Kolokytha, O. (2024). Philanthropy and cultural leadership. Christos Carras, Senior Consultant, Onassis Stegi, in conversation (Greece). In: Steven Hadley, Cultural Leadership in Practice. Beyond Arts Management and Cultural Policy: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003390725, Routledge, London

Kolokytha, O., Belinskaya, Y., Magkou M. (2024). Religion and politics: silencing Greek theatre in the 21st century. In: Anne Etienne, Chris Megson, Theatre Censorship in Contemporary Europe: Silence and Protest: https://doi.org/10.47788/TJBJ7381, University of Exeter Press, Exeter

Kolokytha, O., Gmeiner, R., Henriksson, T, Janowska, A. (2024). Let’s play equal! Researching mechanisms of inequalities in the music and games sectors using the Global Production Network approach. City, Culture and Society, 40: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccs.2024.100620

Kolokytha, Olga (2023). Reclaiming place: cultural initiatives in Cretan villages as enablers of citizen involvement and repopulation. In: Durrer, V., Gilmore, A., Jancovich, L., Stevenson, D., Cultural Policy is Local: Understanding Cultural Policy as Situated Practice: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-32312-6_8, Palgrave, UK

Kolokytha, Olga (2023). Private cultural foundations as actors of soft power in times of austerity. In: Naren Chitty, Lilian Ji, Gary D Rawnsley, The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power 2nd Edition. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003189756, Routledge, Oxon

Kolokytha, Olga (2023). Christos Carras (Senior Consultant, Onassis Stegi): in conversation. Cultural Trends, online first: https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2022.2156269, Taylor and Francis

Yannopoulos, Y., Carras, C., Kolokytha, O., Kyriakidis, E., Papageorgiou, A., Trikas, D., Tsiavos, P., Handaka, S. (2023). Culture in Greece. How can the cultural sector become a means of sustainable development and a source of social value (in Greek). Dianeosis Research and Policy Institute, Athen

Yannopoulos, Y., Carras, C., Kolokytha, O., Kyriakidis, E., Papageorgiou, A., Trikas, D., Tsiavos, P., Handaka, S. (2023). Releasing the power of culture. Policy proposals (in Greek). Dianeosis Research and Policy Institute, Athen

Kolokytha, Olga (2022). Festival Management Practices. In: Constance DeVereaux, Managing the Arts and Culture: Cultivating a Field: 263-289, Routledge, London

Magkou, Matina; Kolokytha, Olga; Tsene, Leda (2022). ?ctivism and bottom-up narratives of change in Greek cultural policy: the case of #SupportArtWorkers. Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy/ Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik, 8(2): 193-212, transcript

Vorträge (Auszug Forschungs­datenbank)

An example of a methodological approach of the cultural and creative sectors for the design of effective cultural policies

Sixth conference on Cultural and Creative Industries, 07.12.2024

Cultural diplomacy as a tool for regional and national development.

Postscriptum Value Talks 2024, 12.11.2024

Building the virtual stage—Insights from co-creating online theatre events.

Fachverband Kulturmanagement 15. Jahrestagung 2024: Analog, digital oder irgendwo dazwischen – die zukünftigen Räume der Kultur., 10.10.2024

Women and leadership in the cultural heritage sector. The case of Austria.

Women and Leadership in the Creative Industries: An interdisciplinary symposium, 10.09.2024

Music and diversity: Unconscious bias and de-biasing.

Konferenz der österreichischen Musikwirtschaft 2024, 05.09.2024

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on performing practices of professional artists in Austria

Tension, Trust and Transformation, 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 30.08.2024

A tale of four cities: processes and conditions of legitimisation of graffiti in different urban and policy contexts

ICCPR2024- International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, 22.08.2024

Silencing culture: religion, democracy and the censorship of artistic production.

ICCPR2024- International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, 21.08.2024

Co-Creating the virtual stage: implications of collaborative digital tools on arts management practices.

International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management AIMAC, 24.06.2024

An umbrella for the environment: European cultural networks as intermediaries for green transition in arts management practices

International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management AIMAC, 24.06.2024

Play and community – Enacting a virtual stage through co-creation.

8th European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Workshop on Managing Arts and Cultural Organisations, 30.11.2023

Impacts of crises on migration of creative professionals; the case of Greek classical musicians.

7th European Congress of Modern Greek Studies, 13.09.2023

Digital activism as a means to strengthen marginalised communities and contribute to democracy: an example from the cultural sector.

International Association for Media and Communication Research-IAMCR 2023: Inhabiting the planet: Challenges for media, communication and beyond., 30.06.2023

Impacts of digitalisation in the music industry through a global production network perspective.

Regional Studies Association Annual Conference. Transforming Regions: Policies and Planning for People and Places., 15.06.2023

Online music archives and their importance for the music sector

Music and the Internet Conference, 10.06.2023

Transmedia in trend: new uses and perspectives of cultural heritage using the example of animated opera.

CIMIx, 13.01.2023

When life gives you media, make opera: how technology and traditional arts genres can benefit from each other

Media, Arts and Design Conferences. Next edition: Emergent Technologies in Times of Crisis, 16.12.2022

Kulturarbeit als Katalysator

Kulturpolitik neu denken. Aus internationalen Erfahrungen lernen. Österreichische UNESCO-Kommission, 13.12.2022

Reclaiming place: cultural initiatives in Cretan villages as enablers of citizen involvement, local development and repopulation.

ICCPR2022- 12th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, 22.09.2022

The COVID-19 impact on the Greek cultural sector: fragmented solutions to long-lasting problems.

ICCPR2022- 12th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, 21.09.2022

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