Karmen Mlinar

Publikationen (Auszug Forschungs­datenbank)

Mlinar, K. (2025). Izgubljeni glasovi socutja. Nekaj misli o z(a)grešenem v vzgoji in o iskanju poti naprej [Lost voices of compassion: Some thoughts on what went wrong in education and on finding a way forward]. In: Lombergar, N., Cernko, M., Kosi, T., Bevek, P., Kralj, D., Socutni jezik med mladimi. Povezovanje vlade, znanosti, stroke in civilne družbe v iskanju odzivov na sovražni govor: 101-106, Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth, Ministry of Education, Ljubljana

Mlinar, K.; Pecek, M. (2024). Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: What Did We Learn? Perspective of Slovenian Primary School Teachers. In: Worek, D.; Madalinska-Michalak, J., Education in times of uncertainty and crisis: 18-41, Jenior, Kassel

Mlinar, K.; Pecek, M. (2024). Pomen poznavanja etnicnih hierarhij ucencev za inkluzivno vzgojo in izobraževanje [The relevance of knowing pupils’ ethnic hierarchies for inclusive teaching]. In: Krek, J., Sistemski vidiki strategij edukacije in spodbujanje socialne vkljucenosti v vzgoji in izobraževanju [Systemic aspects of educational strategies and facilitation of social inclusion in education]: 145ff., University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Center for Educational Policy Studies, Ljubljana

Mlinar, K.; Pecek, M. (2024). The Approach of Schools to Ethnic Diversity: The Perspective of Majority and Minority Pupils. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 14: https://doi.org/10.26529/cepsj.1887

Mlinar, K.; Pecek, M. (2023). Ethnic hierarchies among pupils in Slovenia: Their ethnic belonging matters. Social Psychology of Education, 26: 45-79

Mlinar, K. (2023). In Search of a Universal Value Base of Education in a Pluralistic School. From Human Rights to Global Ethic and Responsibility. Encyclopaideia. Journal of phenomenology and Education, 27(65): 1-17

Mlinar, K.; Pecek, M. (2023). Pogledi razrednih uciteljev na vzgojni vidik pouka na daljavo [Primary school teachers’ views on the moral, social, and emotional dimensions of distance learning]. Revija za elementarno izobraževanje = Journal of Elementary Education, 16(2): 127-145

Mlinar, K.; Pecek, M. (2022). Pouk v casu pandemije covid-19: mesto vzgoje pri pouku na daljavo [Education during Covid-19 pandemic: the place of the moral, social, and emotional dimensions of distance learning]. In: Mlekuž, A.; Žagar, I. Ž., Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja - priložnosti in pasti [Research in education: digitisation of education - opportunities and pitfalls]: 30-31, Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana

Mlinar, K.; Krammer, G. (2021). Multicultural Attitudes of Prospective Teachers: The Influence of Multicultural Ideology and National Pride. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 84: 107-118

Mlinar, K. (2021). Pomen deklaracije o spoštovanju razlicnosti pri razvoju medkulturnega in protipristranskega etosa osnovne šole [The Role of a Declaration of Respect of Diversities in the Development of an Intercultural and Anti-bias School Ethos]. In: Lesar, I.; Pecek, M., Priseljenci v Sloveniji skozi raziskovalno prizmo študentov Pedagoške fakultete [Immigrants in Slovenia through the research prism of students of the Faculty of Educatio]: 235-254, Para, Ljubljana

Mlinar, K. (2021). Razvijanje medkulturne obcutljivosti ucencev [Developing intercultural sensitivity among pupils]. Vzgoja in izobraževanje: revija za teoreticna in prakticna vprašanja vzgojno izobraževalnega dela, 52(1/2): 30-33

Mlinar, K. (2021). Srecanje z uciteljem na svetovni dan uciteljev: predstavitev monografije "Najbolj srecen kot ucitelj": bogata poklicna pot prof. dr. Veljka Trohe [Meeting a Teacher on the World Teachers’ Day: presenting the monography “The happiest as a teacher”...]. Vzgoja in izobraževanje: revija za teoreticna in prakticna vprašanja vzgojno izobraževalnega dela, 52(1/2): 98-99

Mlinar, K. (2018). Review: Messner, E., Worek, D. and Pecek, M. (Eds.) (2016). Teacher Education for Multilingual and Multicultural Settings, Graz: Leykam. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 8(1): 211-216

Mlinar, K. (2016). Dal discorso dell'odio al discorso del rispetto nelle scuole d'infanzia [From hate speech to respectful speech in the preschool education system]. Encyclopaideia. Journal of phenomenology and Education, 20(46): 120-142

Mlinar, K. (2016). Izgubljena priložnost za vzgojo k clovecnosti [A Lost Chance to Educate for Humanity]. Šolski razgledi: pedagoški strokovno-informativni casnik, 67(5): 5

Mlinar, K. (2016). List iz dnevnika [A Page from the Diary]. Šolski razgledi: pedagoški strokovno-informativni casnik, 2016, 67, 11: 7

Mlinar, K. (2015). "Kakšni begunci neki ... " [“What Refugees, com’on…”]. Šolski razgledi: pedagoški strokovnoinformativni casnik, 66(18): 9

Mlinar, K; Pecek, M. (2014). "Praksa je eno, teorija drugo" - mar res?: stalisca studentov o inkluziji ["Practice is one Thing, Theory Something Else" - Is this True?: Students' Views on Inclusion]. In: Devjak, T., Sodobni pedagoški izzivi v teoriji in praksi [Contemporary pedagogical challenges in theory and practice]: 19-35, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Ljubljana

Mlinar, K. (2012). Sovražni govor v luci tolerance [Hate Speech in the Light of Tolerance]. Socialna pedagogika = Journal Social Pedagogy, 16(2): 133-152

Vorträge (Auszug Forschungs­datenbank)

How can multilingualism be supported in EU.ACE?

EU.ACE Workshop on revised work plan, 01.10.2024

Intercultural Sensitivity. A crucial trait for teachers of tomorrow

Future of Education Conference 2024. Empowering Learners for Tomorrow, 03.09.2024

Empowering Free Doubters: Fostering Critical Thinking in Today’s Education System

25th Annual CiCea International Conference 2024 “Education, Citizenship and Social Change: Building Bridges”, 13.05.2024

Reflections on intersectionality in continuing education research. A theoretical and analytical framework with practical implications

Research Colloquium, 10.04.2024

Current issues in teacher education

Knowledge transfer, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, 08.06.2023

Is there still space for education (bildung) in today’s schools?

Teachers' continuous professional development programme “8. Akademija z Lili in Binetom”, 23.02.2023

(In)justice in education plans. Analysis of the current situation and directions for improvements

Conference "Vkljucevanje, inkluzivnost in pravicnost v vzgoji in izobraževanju" [Integration, inclusion and justice in education], 29.09.2022

Education during Covid-19 pandemic: the place of the moral, social, and emotional dimensions of distance learning

7th Scientific Conference, Educational Research Institute, 21.09.2022

Education in Slovenia. What PISA 2018 findings tell us

International Teacher Competences Course for International Students, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, 10.06.2021

Round table "Preventing intersectional discrimination of refugee and migrant children in basic schools"

IPES Conference "Gender sensitive integration of refugee and migrant children in basic education", 01.06.2021

The Education System in Slovenia

International Teacher Competences Course for International Students, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, 26.11.2020

Developing an Intercultural and Anti-bias ethos in a Public School/Kindergarten

Online-Ringvorlesung: Diversität als Strategie, 25.11.2020

European School Concepts: The case of Slovenia

International Teacher Competences Course for International Students, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, 28.05.2020

Respecting the Other as Different in the Public Educational Institutions

Training of Early Childhood Educators – Mentors, 20.03.2019

Migrations and education: round table

Pedagogical-andragogical days, 26.01.2017

Stories of hope: transformative learning through migrations

Pedagogical-andragogical days, 26.01.2017

"Practice is One Thing, Theory Something Else" - Is This True?: Students' Views on Inclusion

Conference "Partnership between the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana and educational institutions, 31.03.2014

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