
Urban agglomerations such as Addis Ababa (large scale national urban center) and Gondar (medium scale provincial urban center) are facing rapid urban growth due to massive rural to urban migration. The impacts of this influx causing the development of large scale informal settlements with poor waste management and sewage systems remain largely under-prioritised. Additionally, global warming is expected to significantly change living conditions in urban areas, hence asking not only for mitigation but also for adaptation measures to be taken timely. It has to be expected that vulnerable social groups in these informal urban settlements will be among those most severely affected due to their limited adaptation capacity. Increased water and electricity shortage, elevated flood risks or landslide hazards due to heavy rainfalls are but a few among the dangers encountered.


Projektzeitraum 01.03.2014 - 31.07.2014
Fördergeber Bund (Ministerien)
Förderprogramm Appear

Department für Migration und Globalisierung

Zentrum für Globale Kompetenzen

Projekt­verantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Tania Berger
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