
Video is ubiquitous, two thirds of knowledge on the internet is now in video format and YouTube statistics (“Statistics”, 2015) reveal that, since March 2014, there has been a 40% increase in the number of people engaging with video - either producing it or viewing the content. It is not just the creation and viewing of video, synchronous video communication is an integral part of smart phones, mobile devices, e-learning platforms and social network sites and is being used to enhance co-operation and collaboration amongst people in education, business and informal contexts. Videographics (the use of visual images) and infographics (the visual representations of data) are areas of increasing importance. Forbes Insights (“Executives embrace non-text world”, 2010) highlight that executives and business people prefer using non-text formats for a wide range of goals. New methods of knowledge representation are available to improve comprehension, information dissemination and business impact. Visual thinking strategies, video storytelling and Vlogs (video diaries/blogs) for reflection are also on the rise. According to the National Commission on Writing (2006, p.15), "Thinking on the screen" is as important as "thinking on paper" in the 21st century. Video can be used in a variety of ways to promote learning. For example, when video is used as a reflection tool for student teachers (Sherin & Van Es, 2005), researchers reported several benefits on teachers’ reflective ability regarding interpersonal relationships and classroom management after the implementation of video in their classroom (Bryan & Recesso, 2006; Calandra et al, 2009). In Higher Education, online learning and particularly the innovative approach taken in Massive, Open, Online Courses (MOOCs) are making increasing use of video technologies to support teaching, learning and assessment. MOOCs, as open educational resources, have the potential to make learning open and accessible to all irrespective of institutional boundaries, national borders, or educational context. The bienniel UCISA Technology Enhanced Learning survey (2014) found that MOOCS have made little impact on UK Higher Education although use of video recording of lectures has been increasing. Continuing professional development opportunities for educators, with a focus on improving competences in video digital literacies has the potential to improve the quality and relevance of online education, MOOCs and Higher Education. The EU risks lagging behind other regions of the world such as the USA and some Asian countries as they invest in ICT-based strategies to reshape education and training, transforming, modernising and internationalising education systems through improvement of: teaching practices; access; cost-effectiveness of education; and as a result enhancing their worldwide reputation. Much of the supply of digital content comes from organisations outside Europe, including from educational institutions offering their courses globally through MOOCs, despite the fact that technology provides the opportunity to increase equity in educational provision. The ViLi project aims to: research current practice on video/visual thinking; design and implement open educational resources (OERs); deliver, monitor & evaluate a MOOC on digital literacy; and disseminate findings, including OERs. We will enhance the digital competences of educators by training them in video/visual thinking strategies (created from an analysis of current practice), delivered in a MOOC designed for Higher Education educators, that is open to others, e.g. workplace trainers, human resource managers, vocational trainers and business executives. Participants will also learn about new ways of thinking on screen and visual thinking strategies to enhance performance and promote business communication.


Projektzeitraum 03.10.2016 - 02.10.2018
Fördergeber EU
Förderprogramm ERASMUS+

Department für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften

Zentrum für Bildwissenschaften

Projekt­verantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dr.habil. Oliver Grau, M.A.
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