• Abschluss


  • ECTS-Punkte


  • Kosten

    EUR 1.080,-

  • Sprache


  • Studienort

    Krems (AT)

Insight USA: Economy and societal Challenge, The first 100 days of Presidential TRUMP
Christina Hainzl

Leiterin - Research Lab Democracy and Society in Transition - Plattform für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs)

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The Big Easy?
The New Orleans module brings students to one of the United States'
oldest and most unique cities. An urban laboratory steeped in history, New
Orleans illuminates the diversity to be found within the United States.
Students will explore its rich history, current challenges, and future outlook
with local experts, and learn about the political significance of the Deep

Politics of Power
The Washington DC module brings students to the nation's capital and
political epicenter at a most critical time. Hosted by the Austrian Embassy
in the United States, we will look at the current political dynamics and analyse them with analysed by experts from local universities and think tanks.


New Orleans - 1 Modul:

  • Experience one of the United States most unique and oldest cities
  • Learn from local experts about the unique position of the Southern United States in Presidential politics
  • Explore contemporary economic and societal challenges
  • Understand the impact of rising sea levels on the city and the region, and learn from an expert on location in the Mississippi Delta
  • Experience Halloween in the world-famous French Quarter
  • Hosted and local expertise provided by the Austrian Marshall Plan Center for European Studies at the University of New Orleans.

Washington DC - 2 Modul:

  • Get to know the United States capital and see the three branches of government in action
  • Discuss current politics and Austrian-American relations with diplomats at the Austrian Embassy
  • Visit local universities, think tanks, and network with experts

EUR 1.080,- (New Orleans and Washington DC) 
with 6 ECTS completion

EUR 540,- (New Orleans or Washington DC) 
with 3 ECTS completion

EUR 800,- (New Orleans and Washington DC) 
Confirmation of participation

EUR 400,- (New Orleans or Washington DC) 
Confirmation of participation 

This participation fee applies to participants who are not currently enrolled or would like to take part in this module additionally

If it is an elective module in your programme according to the old university law, then there will be an additional compensation task, thus ensuring that you receive the 7 ECTS points for this course.

Participation fee excluding travelling expenses - Please contact Reisebüro Gärtner Reisen, they will assist you in planning your trip. Tel.: +43 2742/396-35 E-Mail: r.putz@gaertner.at


  • 3 or 6 ECTS upon completion
  • Open to all students enrolled at Austrian universities or alumni with previous knowledge
  • Credits are transferable
  • Intro/ theory module administered online
  • 1 or 2 on-site modules in New Orleans or/and Washington, DC

Please note that the tour will only be organised if a minimum number of participants is reached. This will be determined after the registration deadline of 15 April 2025 and you will be informed accordingly by the module team.

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