Publikationen des Departments

Helm, C; Wagner, M.; Ley, T.; Kammerer, L. (2025). Digitale Kompetenzen von Lehrkräftefort- und -weiterbildner:innen - Befunde einer Befragungsstudie aus Österreich. In: Digitalisierung in der Bildung - ein Kinderspiel? 163-179, Beltz, Weinheim

Wagner, Marlene; Gegenfurtner, A.; Urhahne, D. (2025). Effectiveness of flipped classrooms. In: Designing Effective Digital Learning Environments:, Routledge, New York

Harshani De Silva, L. M; Rodríguez-Triana, M. J.; Chounta, I.; Pishtari, G. (2024). Curriculum analytics in higher education institutions: a systematic literature review. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, Published 23 August 2024:

Jesmin, T.; Osula, K.; Niglas, K.; Ley, T. (2024). A Large-Scale Study to Profile Teachers’ Use of Games in the Classrooms: From Concerns to Adoption. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, in press:

Kusmin, K-L.; Normak, P.; Ley, T. (2024). A methodology for planning, implementation and evaluation of skills intelligence management – results of a design science project in technology organisations. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 7:

Tammets, K.; Ley, T.; Seitlinger, P.; Eisenschmidt, E. (2024). School culture and teaching practices for the effective student- centred learning during emergency remote teaching. European Journal of Teacher Education, in press:

Wagner, M.; Ley, T.; Kammerer, L.; Helm, C. (2024). Exploring teacher educators’ challenges in the context of digital transformation and their self-reported TPACK: a mixed methods study. European Journal of Teacher Education, in press: 1-19

Wagner, M; Pishtari, G.; Ley, T. (2024). The role of learning activities and social presence in synchronous hybrid classrooms: results from a natural experiment. Interactive Learning Environments, in press: 1-19

Zenk L.; Pausits A.; Brenner B.; Campell D.F.; Behrens D.A. Stöckler E.M.; Oppl St.; Steiner G. (2024). Meta-competences in complex environments: An interdisciplinary perspective. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 53: 101515

Ferreira Mello, R.; Rummel, N.; Jivet, I.; Pishtari, G.; Ruipérez-Valiente, J. A (2024). Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education: 19th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2024, Krems, Austria, September 16–20, 2024, Proceedings, Part II. Springer Cham, Krems, Austria

Pfeffer, T.; Albrecht, V.; Parycek, P. (2024). Zukunft der Universitäten. Strategisches ExpertInnenpapier im Rahmen des Digitalen Aktionsplans Austria. University of Krems Press, Krems

Mlinar, K.; Pecek, M. (2024). Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: What Did We Learn? Perspective of Slovenian Primary School Teachers. In: Worek, D.; Madalinska-Michalak, J., Education in times of uncertainty and crisis: 18-41, Jenior, Kassel

Pishtari, G.; Sarmiento-Márquez, E.; Rodríguez-Triana, M. J.; Wagner, M.; Ley, T. (2024). Mirror mirror on the wall, what is missing in my pedagogical goals? The Impact of an AI-Driven Feedback System on the Quality of Teacher-Created Learning Designs. In: Proceedings of the 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference:, ACM, New York

Tammets, K.; Ley, T.; Kollom, K.; Khulbe, M. (2024). Interplay of Factors Influencing Pre-service Teachers’ Intention to Integrate Learning Analytics into Practice. In: Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education ; Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Technology-enhanced Learning:, Springer, Heidelberg

Eisenschmidt, E.; Ley, T.; Seitlinger, P.; Tammets, K. (2024). Exploring leaders' perceptions of school resilience during COVID-19: Constructing the framework for school development. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 7:

Mlinar, K.; Pecek, M. (2024). The Approach of Schools to Ethnic Diversity: The Perspective of Majority and Minority Pupils. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 14:

Ley, T. (2024). Setzen wir auf die Synergie zwischen Lehrkraft und KI!, APA, Wien

Brachtl, S.; Ipser, C.; Keser Aschenberger, F.; Oppl, S.; Oppl, S.; Pakoy, E.K.; Radinger, G. (2023). Physical home-learning environments of traditional and non-traditional students during the COVID pandemic: exploring the impact of learning space on students’ motivation, stress and well-being. Smart Learning Environments, 10, 7 (2023):

Kasepalu, R.; Chejara, P.; Prieto, L.P.; Ley, T. (2023). Studying teacher withitness in the wild: comparing a mirroring and an alerting & guiding dashboard for collaborative learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, in press:

Ley, T.; Tammets, K.; Pishtari, G.; Chejara, P.; Kasepalu, R.; Khalil, M.; Saar, M.; Tuvi, I.; Väljataga, T.; Wasson, B. (2023). Towards a partnership of teachers and intelligent learning technology: A systematic literature review of model-based learning analytics. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(5): 1397-1417

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Lehren und Lernen mit dem Web 2.0

FLOSStag 2009 - Freie Software in der Schule (DUK, Krems), 15.04.2009

E-Portfolio mit Mahara

eLSA Sommertagung 2009: kreativ.innovativ.kommunikativ (Eisenstadt), 01.09.2009

The Digital Library of Babel or The Art of Handling Knowledge Resources on Web 2.0

ICERI 2009, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Madrid, Spanien), 16.11.2009

Austri@rt4u - Interaktive Vermittlung bildender Kunst aus Österreich für junge Menschen

4. eLearning Didaktik Fachtagung eLearning und Neue Medien im Unterricht und in der Lehre (Wien), 21.12.2009

Pedagogical Patterns and the Concept of Educational Scenarios

Grundtvik Workshop, 20.01.2010

Bildung 2.0 - Wissenskonstruktion und Internet

Senat der Wirtschaft, 22.01.2010

Virtual Classroom. Unterstützung erfolgreichen Lernens

LEARNTEC Karlsruhe, 04.02.2010

Bridging Institutional Divides: Combining Work and Formal Adult Education in SMEs across Europe.

'Lifelong Learning & Workspaces'-Seminar, ESRC Seminar Series: New Spaces of Education: The Changing Nature of Learning in the 21st Century, 11.02.2010

Österreichisches Netbookprojekt im internationalen Kontext

bm:ukk Informationsveranstaltung (New Millenium Learners Conference 2010, OECD), 23.02.2010

What do we know about the impact of the use of technology in education?

OECD-Konferenz, 23.02.2010

Beispiele impliziten Wissen in der Mathematik

Arbeitstagung „Was ist implizites Wissen?“, 24.02.2010

WIKI y los hombres / las mujeres fuertes: La aplicación de WIKIs en la enseñanza

Fortbildungsseminar am Institut für lebensbegleitendes Lernen AHS, Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, 05.03.2010

Die Krise der Erwachsenenbildung, Erwachsenenbildung in der Krise

Regionalkonferenz Erwachsenenbildung, 12.03.2010

DISCO – Dictionary of Skills and Competencies

ESCO (European Skills, Competencies and Occupations taxonomy) stakeholders' conference “Towards a common language for education, training and work”, 17.03.2010

Die Philosophie des E-Learning

Konferenz 10 Jahre virtuelles Berufsbildungswerk, 29.04.2010

Netbook im Unterricht - Organisatorische und didaktische Strategien

Tagung PH Niederösterreich, 05.05.2010

Medienbildung in der Schule

Tagung PH Niederösterreich, 05.05.2010

Selected Problems in Policy Learning regards NQFs

The implementation and impact of NQFs, 13.05.2010

: Lifelong Learning as Strategy towards Social Inclusion in Austria? Findings from two Sixth Framework Programmes

ECER 2010, 28.05.2010

Early identification of skill needs in Austria

Peer-Learning on implementing the New Skills for New Jobs agenda, 01.06.2010

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