Mag. Karin Strobl, MSc
+43 2732 893-2601
Zum Kontaktformular
Campus Krems, Trakt C, 3. Stock, 3.13
- Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
- Zentrum für Biomedizinische Technologie
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Österreich
Publikationen (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Harm, S.; Schildböck, C.; Strobl, K.; Hartmann, J. (2021). An in vitro study on factors affecting endotoxin neutralization in human plasma using the Limulus amebocyte lysate test. Sci Rep, 11(1): 4192
Strobl, K.; Harm, S.; Fichtinger, U.; Schildböck, C.; Hartmann, J. (2021). Impact of anion exchange adsorbents on regional citrate anticoagulation. Int J Artif Organs, 44(3): 149-155
Gubensek, J.; Strobl, K.; Harm, S.; Weiss, R.; Eichhorn, T.; Buturovic-Ponikvar, J.; Weber, V.; Hartmann, J. (2018). Influence of citrate concentration on the activation of blood cells in an in vitro dialysis setup. PLoS ONE, 13(6):e0199204: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199204
Strobl, K.; Harm, S.; Weber, V.; Hartmann, J. (2017). The role of ionized calcium and magnesium in regional citrate anticoagulation and its impact on inflammatory parameters. International Journal of Artificial Organs, 40(1): 15-21
Strobl, K.; Hartmann, J. (2014). Citrate-Dependent Secretion of Cytokines and Complement Activation in Whole Blood. Int J Art Org, 37, 8: 609
Hartmann, J.; Strobl, K.; Falkenhagen, D.; Harm, S. (2014). New Aspects for the Extracorporeal Treatment of Sepsis. Lecture Notes of the ICB 2014, Advances in Membrane and Adsorber Technology in Life Sciences, Warsaw: 69-74
Hartmann, J.; Strobl, K.; Falkenhagen, D.; Harm, S. (2014). New aspects for the extracorporeal treatment of sepsis. In: Groth T., Lecture Notes of the ICB Seminar - Advances in Membrane and Adsorber Technology in Life Sciences: 69-74, -, Warsaw
Strobl, K.; Hartmann, J.; Wallner, M.; Brandl, M.; Fallkenhagen, D. (2013). A Target-Oriented Algorithm for Citrate-Calcium Anticoagulation in Clinical Practice. Blood Purification, 36: 136-145
Hartmann, J.; Strobl, K; Fichtinger, U; Schildböck, C; Falkenhagen, D. (2012). In vitro investigations of citrate clearance with different dialysis filters. International Journal of Artificial Organs, 03/2012, 35(5),: 352
Brandl, M; Strobl, K; Hartmann, J; Kellner, K; Posnicek, T; Falkenhagen, D. (2011). A target-orientated algorithm for regional citrate-calcium anticoagulation in extracorporeal therapies. Blood Purification, 2012,33(1-3),: 7
Falkenhagen,D.; Thijssen, S.; Brandl, M.; Hartmann, J.; Strobl, K.; Wallner, M. (2011). Correlation between ACT (activated clotting time) and iCa (ionized calcium) in RDT-PATIENTS. NDT Plus, June: F318
Falkenhagen, D.; Brandl, M.; Hartmann, J.; Strobl, K.; Wallner, M. (2011). Das Ionisierte Kalzium (ICa) als essentielles Target für die Zitratantikoagulation (ZA). Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin: 362
Brandl, M.; Kellner, K.; Strobl, K.; Hartmann, J.; Posnicek, T.; Falkenhagen, D. (2010). An Optimized Algorithm for Regional Citrate-Calcium Anticoagulation. Proceedings ICMIBE 2010, International Conference on Medical Informatics and Biomedical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,March 29-31, 2010,: 494
Falkenhagen, D.; Thijssen, S.; Brandl, M.; Hartmann, J.; Strobl, K. (2010). Relationship between Ionized Calcium Concentration and Activated Clotting Time in Citrate Anticoagulated Blood. J Am Soc Nephrol 21
Harm, S.; Strobl, K.; Hartmann, J.; Falkenhagen, D. (2009). Alginate-Encapsulated Human Hepatoma C3A Cells for use in a Bioartificial Liver Device - the Hybrid-MDS . Int J Art Org
Hartmann, J.; Strobl, K.; Fichtinger, U.; Falkenhagen, D. (2009). Influence of Mg2+ Concentration on the Suppression of the Complement System by Citrate. Artificial Organs, 32, 7: 438
Strobl, K.; Hartmann, J.; Posnicek, T.; Falkenhagen, D. (2009). Preclinical Test of a Newly Developed Citrate Calcium Monitor. Int J Art Org: 438
Patente (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Verfahren zum Erfassen der Ionenkonzentration bei citrat-antikoagulierter extrakorporaler Blutreinigung
Method for measuring the ion concentration in citrate-anticoagulated extracorporeal blood purification [Translation]
Zentrum für Biomedizinische Technologie
Patent-Nr: AT505690B1, Status: Lizenz
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Brandl, Mag. Karin Strobl, MSc, Assoz. Prof. Dr. Jens Hartmann