Dr. Linda Dezso
+43 2732 893-5576
Zum Kontaktformular
Campus Krems, Trakt K, EG, 0.23
- Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
- Department für Wirtschaft und Gesundheit
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Österreich
Projekte (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Laufende Projekte
Projektzeitraum: 01.10.2023–07.07.2027
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Linda Dezso
Fördergeber: FWF
Publikationen (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Dezso, L.; Hajdu G; Tobol, Y. (2025). Lengthy waiting corrupts, especially when unexpected. Journal of Economic Behavior & and Organization, 232: 106939
Lippert, S.; Dreber, A.; Johannesson, M.; Tierney, W.; Cyrus-Lai, W.; Uhlmann, E.L.; Dezso, L., Pfeiffer, T. (2024). Can large language models help predict results from a complex behavioural science study? Royal Society Open Science, 11: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.240682
Dezso, L; Alm, J.; Kirchler, E. (2022). Inequitable wages and tax evasion. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 96: https://doi.org/10..1016/j.socec.2021.101811
Dezso, L.; Bakó, B.; Neszveda, G. (2021). Exploiting context-dependent preferences to protect borrowers. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 27: 1-15
Dezso, L.; Loewenstein, G. (2019). Self-serving invocations of shared and asymmetric history in negotiations. European Economic Review, 120: 25-44
Olsen, J.; Kogler, C.; Brandt, M.J.; Dezso, L.; Kirchler, E. (2019). Are consumption taxes really disliked more than equivalent costs? Inconclusive results in the USA and no effect in the UK. Journal of Economic Psychology, 75: https://doi.org/10.
Bakó, B.; Neszveda G.; Dezso, L. (2018). When irrelevant alternatives do matter. The effect of focusing on loan decisions. Theory and Decision, 84: 123-141
Dezso, L.; Loewenstein, G.; Steinhart, J.; Neszveda, G.; Szászi, B. (2015). The pernicious role of asymmetric history in negotiations. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 116: 430-438
Bozóki, S.; Dezso, L.; Poesz, A.; Temesi, J. (2013). Analysis of pairwise comparison matrices: an empirical research. Annals of Operations Research, 211: https://doi.org/10.
Dezso, L.; Kirchler, E. (2013). Loving you from your First Cents and Leaving you with our Debts: Money Management in the Household. In: Handbook of Psychology of Emotions. Recent Theoretical Perspectives and Novel Empirical Findings. https://doi.org/10., New York: Nova Publishers, New York
Dezso, L., Loewenstein, G. (2012). Lenders’ blind trust and borrowers’ blind spots: A descriptive investigation of personal loans. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33: https://doi.org/10.
Neszveda, G.; Dezso, L. (2012). A kvázi-és általánosított hiperbolikus diszkontálás hosszú távon (Quasi-and Generalized Hyperbolic Discounting in Long Term). Szigma, 43/3-4: 163-177
Pajkossy, P.; Dezso, L.; Paprika, Z. (2009). The opposite effect of trait and state anxiety on Iowa Gambling Task. Learning & Perception, 1/2: 279-295
DEZSO, L.; Selei A. (2009). A KORLÁTOZOTT RACIONALITÁS FELTÉRKÉPEZÉSE AZ INTUITÍV DÖNTÉSEK ÉS VÁLASZTÁSOK SZEMPONTJÁBÓL I. (Hungarian). In: Köz-gazdaság-Review of Economic Theory and Policy: 133-150, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest
Rózsa, S.; Ko, N.; Komlósi A.; Somogyi, E.; Dezso L. (2004). A személyiség pszichobiológiai modellje: A Temperamentum és Karakter Kérdoívvel szerzett hazai tapasztalatok (The Biological Model of Personality: Experiences on the Temperament and Character Inventory from Hungary). Pszichológia, 2: https://doi.org/10.
Rózsa, S.; Ko, N.; Somogyi, E.; Faludi, G.; Dezso, L.; Degrell, I.; Kállai, J.; Osváth, A.; Trixler, M.; Bánki. M.Cs. (2004). A személyiségzavarok dimenzionális modellje. A Temperamentum és Karakter kérdoív klinikai alkalmazása (The dimensional model of personality: Clinical application of the Temperament and Character Inventory). Psychiatria Hungarica, 5: https://doi.org/10.
Vorträge (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Self-serving redistributive preferences among natives and immigrants in the UK
Research-Seminar of the Department of Economics, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 16.10.2024
Unexpected waiting corrupts
48th SABE/IAREP joint conference, 21.08.2024
The potential of community nursing in mitigating cardiovascular and fall risks among community-dwelling elderly
12th Edition-World Congress on Nursing Education & Practice, 27.06.2024
The beneficial potential of community nursing on health outcomes
Community Health Nursing in Österreich: Erste Erfahrungen, 08.11.2023
The role of fairness views in negotiations
4th Workshop on Psychology and Law, 10.10.2023
Reference dependence and lying
Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision-Making Conference (SPUDM) 2023, 24.08.2023