Publikationen (Auszug Forschungs­datenbank)

Ali, Q.; Fischbacher, J.; Kovacs, A.; Özelt, H.; Gusenbauer, M.; Moustafa, H.; Böhm, D.; Breth, L.; Schrefl, T. (2024). Defect manipulation for the coercivity enhancement of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets. Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 678: 415759

Ali, Q.; Fischbacher, J.; Kovacs, A.; Oezelt, H.; Gusenbauer, M.; Moustafa, H.; Böhm, D.; Breth, L.; Schrefl, T. (2023). Defect Manipulation for the Coercivity Enhancement of Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnets. SSRN, 2023: 4628986, Elesevier

Vorträge (Auszug Forschungs­datenbank)

Effects of shape anisotropy and easy axis distribution on Fe2P-based permanent magnets by micromagnetics

International Conference on Magnetism, 03.07.2024

Structure and crystallographic properties of multi-material coatings deposited in a combinatorial sputter plant compared to simulations from the machine level to microstructure

49th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2023), 22.05.2023

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